This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 11. Shemita stores-Buying produce from stores during Shemita & Understanding the various Hashgachas: Vegetables and grains which grow during the shemita year are forbidden to be eaten due to the rabbinical Sefichin decree as explained in Halacha 3. Likewise, […]
10. May one sell Shemita produce
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 10. May one sell Shemita produce? It is forbidden to do business with Shemita produce.[1] Thus, one may not collect fruits or vegetables of Shemita produce, even within his own field, for selling purposes. However, one may collect a […]
9. Feeding animals Shemita products
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 9. Feeding animals:[1] It is forbidden to feed Shemitah produce to animals if it is edible to humans. [Likewise Shemitah food which is designated for animals may not be eaten by humans.[2]] [1] Rambam 5/5; Grach Naah 156 […]
8. Giving Shemitah produce to a gentile
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 8. Giving Shemitah produce to a gentile:[1] It is forbidden to give Shemitah produce to a gentile.[2] May one offer a gentile in one’s home Shemitah food to eat?[3]Yes. Q&A May one give Shemitah produce to one who […]
7. Mashing and grinding Shemita produce
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 7. Mashing and grinding Shemita produce: It is forbidden to use Shemita produce for an uncommon use.[1] Thus, all fruits and vegetables that are commonly ground or mashed may likewise have this done even if they are Shemita produce. […]
6. Discarding Shemita produce-The Prohibition to destroy, cause loss or damage to Kedushas Shevi’is
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 6. Discarding Shemita produce-The Prohibition to destroy, cause loss or damage to Kedushas Shevi’is: It is forbidden to cause loss or damage to Shemita produce.[1] It is, however, permitted to cause indirect loss to Shemita produce.[2] Throwing in garbage-Shemita […]
5. Gidul Nachrim-Produce of a gentile grown in Israel
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 5. Gidul Nachrim-Produce of a gentile grown in Israel:[1] It is disputed amongst the Poskim as to the Kedusha status of products grown in Gentile owned lands within Eretz Yisrael. Some Poskim[2] rule that fruits grown by a gentile […]
4. What is defined as Shemitah produce?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 4. What is defined as Shemita produce? The produce of the land passes through various stages of development and production, from plantation to blossom, to growth and harvest. The question is asked as to what stage is defined as […]
3. Sefichin
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 3. Sefichin:[1] All vegetation and plants that grew during Shemita are Rabbinically forbidden to be eaten. This prohibition is called Sefichin. The prohibition includes any vegetation or grains that grew, even from seeds that fell the previous year, and […]
2. Disowning the Shemita produce of one’s land
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on 2. Disowning the Shemita produce of one’s land:[1] Every person who owns a Kedushas Shemita product in his field must disown the product and give entrance for all people to be able to come and partake from the food. […]