May one write or print Torah books in Kesav Ashuris? Ashuris:[1] One is not to print books in Kesav Ashuris. Boxed letters:[2] In previous times the custom was to avoid writing Sefarim in even boxed letters and they rather wrote them in Kesav Rashi.[3] The custom however today is to […]
Bayis Malei Sefarim-The positive command to purchase Torah Sefarim/Directives of Rebbe
Bayis Malei Sefarim-The Mitzvah of purchasing Torah books:[1] Today [being that writing the oral Torah has become permitted[2]] it is a Mitzvah [and Biblical obligation[3]] to write [publish, and purchase[4]] Chumashim, Mishnah, Gemara and their commentaries. [Some Poskim[5] rule that today this positive Biblical command is actually in place of […]
Hebrew materials
What is Ashuris? Kesav Ashuris is the name of the script used to write all scribal works called STAM [Sefer Torah, Mezuzah, Tefillin]. The script of Kesav Ashuris contains a great amount of Kedusha, and great mystical secrets.[1] Boxed script: The form of script and print used today, which is […]
What to do with collected money if purpose no longer relevent
If one collected charity for the cause of a certain person and the cause is no longer relevant, what is one to do with the money?[1] If one collected money for a certain purpose and after the collection that purpose became no longer relevant, then it is disputed in Poskim […]
Distributing charity to gentiles
This Halacha is an Excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on Distributing charity to gentiles:[1] It is permitted and encouraged to distribute charity to a gentile.[2] This applies even if the charity is being given to an individual gentile or a group of gentiles without it also being distributed to Jewish […]
Wearing clothing of opposite gender due to cold and the like
May one wear the clothing of the opposite gender due to the cold, or for purposes of shade or Tznius? Many Poskim[1] rule it is permitted to do so as the prohibition only applies when done for purposes of resembling the opposite gender. Other Poskim[2] however rule that doing […]
Trimming the Mustache
May one trim his mustache? During the regular year: Many Poskim[1] and Kaballists[2] rule that one is obligated to cut the mustache hairs that interfere with ones food.[3] Nevertheless, there are communities that are accustomed not to trim any facial hair, including the mustache hairs that interfere with food.[4] The […]
Folding the beard
* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Shop Now *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Donate May one fold his beard if it is long?[1] Letter of the law: From the letter […]
Cutting the Peiyos-What number haircut may one take in the area of his Peiyos?
Cutting the Peiyos:[1] It is permitted to cut the hair of the Peiyos so long as it retains its minimum length, as explained next. [However, some Poskim[2] rule that one may not trim the Peiyos at all and must let it grow its full length. Practically, the final ruling and […]
Bargains: Charging less money for immediate payment
Charging less money for immediate payments on a product:[1] When doing a sale, it is Rabbinically forbidden for the Jewish seller to offer a Jewish buyer a payment option in which immediate payment is less than the amount of a delayed payment.[2] This applies even if the delayed payment option […]