Writing Sefarim in Hebrew

May one write or print Torah books in Kesav Ashuris? Ashuris:[1] One is not to print books in Kesav Ashuris. Boxed letters:[2] In previous times the custom was to avoid writing Sefarim in even boxed letters and they rather wrote them in Kesav Rashi.[3] The custom however today is to […]

Hebrew materials

What is Ashuris? Kesav Ashuris is the name of the script used to write all scribal works called STAM [Sefer Torah, Mezuzah, Tefillin]. The script of Kesav Ashuris contains a great amount of Kedusha, and great mystical secrets.[1] Boxed script: The form of script and print used today, which is […]

Distributing charity to gentiles

This Halacha is an Excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on Amazon.com Distributing charity to gentiles:[1] It is permitted and encouraged to distribute charity to a gentile.[2] This applies even if the charity is being given to an individual gentile or a group of gentiles without it also being distributed to Jewish […]

Trimming the Mustache

May one trim his mustache? During the regular year: Many Poskim[1] and Kaballists[2] rule that one is obligated to cut the mustache hairs that interfere with ones food.[3] Nevertheless, there are communities that are accustomed not to trim any facial hair, including the mustache hairs that interfere with food.[4] The […]

Folding the beard

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Shop Now *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Donatehttps://vimeo.com/131624301 May one fold his beard if it is long?[1] Letter of the law: From the letter […]