Bathing during Shloshim

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy here or on Bathing:[1] From the letter of the law a mourner who is past Shiva may bathe as usual. Nevertheless the custom today is to prohibit any bathing throughout the Shloshim.[2] It is even forbidden to bathe the head […]

Women going to Levaya

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer May women attend a Levaya? Women are permitted and obligated to attend funerals just like men.[1] Some communities are accustomed for women to attend and walk ahead of the casket. Others are accustomed for the women to attend and walk behind the […]

Tefillin on first day of mourning

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Avel/Mourner:[1] First day: On the first day of mourning, which is the day of burial[2], it is forbidden for a mourner to put on Tefillin.[3] [Many Poskim[4] however rule one is to wear the Tefillin without a blessing on the first day […]

Buying a Plot

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Who is obligated to pay for the burial plot if the relative that died cannot afford it?[1] Wife passed away:[2] If one’s wife passes away, it is the husband’s obligation to pay for the burial expenses. Father passes away, or unmarried mother: […]

Showering after Mikveh

Showering after Mikveh:[1] After a woman immerses in a Kosher Mikveh, some Poskim[2] rule that she is not to return and bathe herself[3], and so is the practical custom.  Q&A For how long of a period after immersing in a Mikveh is a woman to avoid bathing? Some Poskim[4] rule […]

Kallah immersing on 7th day

May a Kallah go to Mikveh on the seventh day if that is the day of her Chuppah?[1] If the seventh day of Nekiyim of the Kallah falls on the day of her wedding some Poskim[2] rule she may immerse during the day, being that she will not be with […]