* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer Shop Now *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Facebook Twitter Telegram Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode DonateHand postures according to Torah: We find in Chazal various hand positions which are encouraged or discouraged […]
Birthday if born on 30th of Cheshvan
If one was born on the 30th of Cheshvan, when does he celebrate his birthday/Bar Mitzvah in a year that there is no 30th day in Cheshvan?[1] One who was born on the first day of Rosh Chodesh Kislev, which is the 30th of Cheshvan, and in the current year […]
Performing business in a Shul
Business-Accounting:[1] One may not perform matters of accounting in a Shul. [Thus, one may not perform accountings of budget, salary, or payments in a Shul. Likewise, one may not sell items in a Shul.] For the sake of a Mitzvah:[2] It is permitted to perform matters of […]
Entering a Shul for personal use
Entering into a Shul for personal needs: A Shul is designated to be uses only for spiritual matters, such as prayer, Torah learning and general service of G-d. There are regulations emplaced in regards to using a Shul for personal use, even if one desires to only enter […]
Memorizing Parshas Haazinu
Learning Parshas Haazinu by heart: There is an old tradition of memorizing the Song of Haazinu.[1] The verse[2] states “And now you shall write this song [of Haazinu[3]] and you shall teach it to Bnei Yisrael; place it in their mouths [memorize it[4]].” From here we learn that the Jewish […]
The Halachic obligation in Celebrating Yud Tes Kisleiv-Not saying Tachanun
The Halachic obligation to celebrate the day of a miracle Chanukah and Yud Tes Kisleiv A day in which a miracle occurred is to be commemorated throughout the generations. This celebration is not a mere matter of thanks but according to some Poskim carries with it a Biblical obligation. There […]
Seudas Hodayah-Thanks Giving meal
Making a meal of commemoration-Seudas Hodaya:[1] It is customary[2] to celebrate a miracle through making a festive meal for one’s friends and family. During this meal one recounts the miracle that occurred and gives thanks to Hashem for His great kindness. [The Alter Rebbe celebrated a Seudas Hodaya for his […]
Celebrating a miracle
The Halachic obligation to celebrate the day of a miracle A day in which a miracle occurred is to be commemorated throughout the generations. This celebration is not a mere matter of thanks but according to some Poskim carries with it a Biblical obligation. There are laws and customs […]
Mitzvah of Kedoshim Tihyu-Sanctifying oneself with permitted
Is the Mitzvah of Kedoshim Tihyu considered one of the 613 Mitzvos? Some Rishonim[1] list this Mitzvah as one of the 613. However the vast majority of Rishonim omit it.[2] Must one sanctify himself with the permitted? Talmudic ruling: Rava states in the Talmud[3] that one is to sanctify […]
Number of Mitzvos applicable today
How many Mitzvos of the 613 Mitzvos do we keep today in exile?[1] Today in exile it is possible for us to keep 369 Mitzvos out of the 613 total numbers of commands. Within this number there are 99 commands that are only obligatory in circumstances that one may […]