Will one need to bring a Chatas in the future for the accidental sins he performed during Galus? From certain sources in the Talmud[1] and Poskim[2] it is implied that those which sinned accidently during exile will be required to bring a Chatas offering for those sins when Moshiach comes, […]
Yom Kippur in times of Moshiach
Will we celebrate Yom Kippur in the future when Moshiach comes? The celebration of Yom Kippur will continue even after the coming of Moshiach.[1] We will also fast on this day just as was done prior to Moshiach’s coming.[2] The purpose of this fast will be to atone for […]
Purchasing Life insurance
Purchasing Life insurance: Many Poskim[1] rule that it is permitted [and one is to be encouraged[2]] to purchase life insurance and doing so is not a sign of lack of Bitachon and the like. Others[3] however take a colder stance towards its purchase.[4] There is no clear directive of the […]
The Rebbes perspective on Yom Atzmaut
The Rebbe’s perspective on the Israeli day of Independence-Yom Hatzmaut: In a letter addressed to an educator of a school in Kfar Chabad in the year 1955, the Rebbe answered a query regarding how the educational institution should relate to the day known as Yom Hatzmaut. The Rebbe replied as […]
Remarrying after divorce or death of husband
How long must a widow or divorcee wait to remarry? A. Not pregnant and not after birth:[1] All widows or divorced women must wait 90 days from after the divorce, or death of the husband, prior to remarrying.[2] This applies even if the woman is not capable of bearing […]
Standing undressed in front of a candle
Not to stand naked before a candle:[1] One is not to stand before a candle naked as all that stand naked before a candle become crippled. [Nevertheless, in the Poskim we find a number of disclaimers towards this warning: Some[2] explain that this danger only applies when standing still in […]
Laws of Chinuch for children
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Teaching your children to swim
Teaching your children to swim: The Talmud[1] records an opinion that states a father is obligated to teach his son how to swim. The reason recorded in the Talmud[2] for this is because on this matter “his life is dependent”. This means that since it is possible that if one […]
Repenting for sins done as a child
Does one need to repent for sins that he did as a child?[1] A child [below Bar/Bas Mitzvah] who hit his father or committed other sins while still a child, although he does not need to repent when he grows older, nevertheless, it is proper for him to accept upon […]
Farewell phrases
Farewell phrases:[1] Upon bidding farewell to another person he is to tell him “/לך לשלוםGo to peace” rather than “/לך בשלוםGo in or with peace.”[2] [This is likewise the Nussach in Tefilas Haderech.[3] One is to follow this wording even when bidding farewell in languages other than Hebrew.[4] Nonetheless, some […]