Insulating food on Erev Yom Kippur:[1] Some[2] rule it is forbidden to insulate food on Erev Yom Kippur for one to eat after Yom Kippur.[3] Others[4] however rule it is permitted to be done.[5] The latter opinion is the main Halachic opinion, nevertheless the custom is to be […]
Bathing on Yom Kippur
Bathing: A. The general law: For pleasure:[1] It is forbidden to wash any part of one’s body [for the sake of pleasure[2]] on Yom Kippur. This applies whether with hot or cold water. Even to stick one’s finger in water is forbidden. To clean dirt:[3] If one’s hand, leg, or […]
Birchas Habanim on Erev Yom Kippur
Birchas Habanim: Blessing ones children prior to leaving for Shul:[1] On Erev Yom Kippur, after the Seudas Hamafsekes[2] but prior to leaving to Shul for Kol Nidrei[3], it is accustomed for parents to bless their children [with the priestly blessing of “Yivarechicha Hashem Veyishmirecha”[4]]. They should cry to Hashem that […]
Smelling Spices on Yom Kippur
Smelling spices on Yom Kippur:[1] It is permitted to smell spices on Yom Kippur.[2] Furthermore, it is praiseworthy to do so in order to accumulate the 100 obligatory daily blessings.[3] Q&A May one place scented oil onto a tissue for smelling?[4] No, due to the prohibition of Molid Reiach. May […]
Eating or drinking after meal
Eating and drinking after concluding the meal:[1] Verbalize that one is not accepting the fast at the meals conclusion: One may eat and drink after the meal until sunset. This applies even if he decided in his mind to no longer eat or drink after the meal.[2] Nevertheless, it is […]
One who is not fasting
Blessings, Kiddush and Birchas Hamazon for one who eats on Yom Kippur:[1] Kiddush and Lechem Mishneh: One who is required to eat on Yom Kippur due to medical reasons, does not need to say Kiddush, and is not required to recite Hamotzi on two loaves of bread.[2] [This applies even […]
Seudas Hamafsekes on Erev Yom Kippur
Seudas Hamafsekes-The Final Meal:[1] When?[2] Immediately after Mincha, one is to eat the final meal which is eaten prior the fast. This meal is referred to as the Seudas Hamafsekes. Dipping bread in honey:[3] One is to dip the bread in honey during the final meal. Dairy:[4] Dairy foods, including […]
Sick or ill person fasting on Yom Kippur
Sick or ill person fasting:[1] Whenever a person’s life is in danger he is obligated to transgress a Torah command when needed to help save his life. This is with exception to the three cardinal sins of adultery, murder, and idolatry. Thus, if one is sick and fasting will place […]
Mincha on Erev Yom Kippur
Mincha: Placing Tzedaka onto plates:[1] Prior to Mincha one is to place coins of charity onto plates which are set up in Shul.[2] When is it prayed? Mincha is prayed in the early the afternoon with extreme concentration, arousing Teshuvah from the depths of the heart. The confession prayer:[3] One […]
A Yoledes fasting on Yom Kippur
Yoledes-After birth:[1] A. Within three days:[2] A woman who is within three weekdays[3] of giving birth [i.e. Yoledes], is not to fast at all on Yom Kippur. Says she wants to fast: If the Yoledes who is within three weekdays says she is able to fast and does not want […]