Nocturnal emission on Yom Kippur

One who has a nocturnal emission:[1] Must worry the entire year: One who has a nocturnal emission on Yom Kippur should worry the entire year regarding whether his fast on Yom Kippur was accepted.[2] [This however only applies to Tzaddikim and men of stature, whom do not have erotic thoughts […]

Marital relations on Yom Kippur

Marital relations:[1] Marital relations are forbidden on Yom Kippur. Harchakos:  All the laws of Harchakos that apply when ones wife is in the state of Nida apply equally throughout the entire[2] duration of Yom Kippur even if ones wife is pure. This is a safeguard to avoid marital relations. Speaking […]

Upon going to sleep on Yom Kippur

Upon going to sleep: Requirement to sleep:[1] One is required to sleep at night of Yom Kippur in order so he can concentrate during prayers the next day and not fall asleep in middle. Sleeping in Shul:[2] Although it is forbidden to sleep in a Shul throughout the year, nevertheless […]

Learning Tractate Yuma on Yom Kippur

Learning Tractate Yuma:[1] It is a Mitzvah to learn Mishnayos Mesechet Yuma on Yom Kippur so its words stand in place of the sacrifices. One is likewise to study the sayings of the Sages found at the end of Tractate Yuma which discuss repentance. [However practically this custom has not […]

Saying Tehilim after Maariv

Saying Tehilim at the conclusion of the evening prayer:[1] At the conclusion of Maariv it is accustomed for the congregation to recite the entire book of Tehilim. [1] Otzer Minhagei Chabad p. 212 and so is the custom in the Beis Midrash of the Rebbe. Background: Saying Tehilim after Maariv […]

When Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos

The evening prayer when Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos: Kabalas Shabbos and Maariv:[1] When Yom Kippur coincides with Shabbos, one begins the Maariv prayer from Mizmor Ledavid [psalm 29], [omitting all the Psalms from Lechu Neranina until Mizmor Ledavid].[2]  [One recites the entire dialect from Mizmor Ledavid and onwards, including […]

Saying Boruch Shem aloud

Saying Boruch Shem… aloud:[1] Throughout Yom Kippur one says Boruch Sheim Kevod Malchuso… out loud in the Shema prayer.[2]   Q&A Are also women to say Baruch Sheim aloud? Some[3] write this custom is not relevant to women as they cannot emulate the angles.[4] [1] 619/9 [2] The reason: Originally […]

Standing throughout Yom Kippur

Standing throughout Yom Kippur:[1] Some are accustomed to stand throughout the entire duration of Yom Kippur, both by night and day, with exception to their sleeping hours.[2]  Women:[3] This custom is not applicable to women.[4] Lean if feels week:[5] One who follows this custom may nevertheless lean on a support […]

Shehechiyanu on Yom Kippur

Blessing Shehechiyanu:[1] One who has not said the blessing of Shehechiyanu by candle lighting is to say the blessing prior to the evening prayer.[2] Ideally, it is best for the congregation to listen to the chazzans blessing and fulfill the obligation through him, being that it is more beloved to […]

Kol Nidrei

Kol Nidrei-Conditioning ones future vows:[1] Is not an annulment but rather a stipulation:[2] Kol Nidrei is not the annulment of one’s previous vows, but rather is a stipulation on one’s future vows, that if one makes a vow in the future, it should be nullified. [In Hataras Nedarim that is […]