
  Checklist of Steps to building a Kosher Sukkah: Verify the area you desire to build the Sukkah does not contain any obstructions which will hover over the Sechach of the Sukkah. First build at least three complete walls that are ten Tefach high and within three Tefach from the […]

Days between Yom Kippur and Sukkos

Days between Yom Kippur and Sukkos: Tachanun: The days between Yom Kippur and Sukkos are days of joy, commemorating the sanctification of the tabernacle. Due to this Tachanun is not recited.[1] From after Yom Kippur until the beginning of the month of Cheshvan Tachanun is omitted.[2] G-d’s Name: The day […]

Building the Sukkah

Building the Sukkah: On Motzei Yom Kippur one begins building the Sukkah, [or at least talking about building it[1]], in order to leave one Mitzvah and enter to another Mitzvah.[2] To build the Sukkah the day after Yom Kippur:[3] It is a Mitzvah to build the entire Sukkah immediately the […]

Motzei Yom Kippur festivities

Motzei Yom Kippur festivities: Publicizing the greatness of the time:[1] Motzei Yom Kippur is a slight Yom Tov. Being that this Yom Tov is not very well known, it was therefore instituted to blow the Shofar one time at the conclusion of Yom Kippur, to remind the masses of the […]

Havdala of Motzei Yom Kippur

Havdala:[1] Besamim:[2] Havdala is said without Besamim. In the event that Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos the blessing over Besamim is recited in Havdala as usual. [See footnote for the custom of Sefaradim[3]] Havdala candle:[4] On Motzei Yom Kippur the blessing of mi’orei ha’esh may only be said over a […]

Maariv of Motzei Yom Kippur

Maariv: Wear Kittel and Tallis:[1] One Davens Maariv and recites Havdala while still wearing his Tallis and Kittel. The Tallis is removed from one’s head and is rather placed to rest on the shoulders. One wears a hat on his head in its place. Washing hands after Maariv:[2] Immediately after […]

Nocturnal emission on Yom Kippur

One who has a nocturnal emission:[1] Must worry the entire year: One who has a nocturnal emission on Yom Kippur should worry the entire year regarding whether his fast on Yom Kippur was accepted.[2] [This however only applies to Tzaddikim and men of stature, whom do not have erotic thoughts […]

Marital relations on Yom Kippur

Marital relations:[1] Marital relations are forbidden on Yom Kippur. Harchakos:  All the laws of Harchakos that apply when ones wife is in the state of Nida apply equally throughout the entire[2] duration of Yom Kippur even if ones wife is pure. This is a safeguard to avoid marital relations. Speaking […]

Upon going to sleep on Yom Kippur

Upon going to sleep: Requirement to sleep:[1] One is required to sleep at night of Yom Kippur in order so he can concentrate during prayers the next day and not fall asleep in middle. Sleeping in Shul:[2] Although it is forbidden to sleep in a Shul throughout the year, nevertheless […]