Blessing of Leisheiv BaSukkah

The blessing of Leisheiv Bassukah When is the blessing of Leisheiv said? The blessing of ‘Leishev Basukkah’ is only said when eating a Kebeitza [55 grams] of Mezonos or Hamotzi [within Achilas Peras].[1] It is not said prior to other actions of dwelling such as a set drinking session, or […]


Candles:[1] One must have light in his Sukkah  and thus he is to enter candles in the Sukkah. If there a fire hazard one may not bring it into the Sukkah even if it is made of gold. One may not enter earthenware candles into his Sukkah [due to it […]

Two story Sukkah

A two story Sukkah:[1] If one built a Sukkah on top of another Sukkah then if the floor of the top Sukkah, which serves also as the Sechach for the top Sukkah, is able to support pillows and blankets [and a person eating and sleeping[2]], then although the top Sukkah […]

Belittling acts

  Belittling acts in the Sukkah:[1] One may not do any belittling acts inside the Sukkah. Thus one may not clean the dishes inside the Sukkah, although drinking cups may be washed down.    Q&A May one use a Sukkah as a short cut? No. One is not to make […]

Items to enter into Sukkah

  Items to enter into the Sukkah: One should enter his most beautiful vessels, tapestries, and drinking utensils into the Sukkah. However one is not to enter flour vessels and other vessels that are normally not left out within the house.[1] Pots, pans and plates are to be removed from […]

Awnings & Sukkah roofs

Building a Sukkah under a retractable roof-Placing Kosher Sechach under non-Kosher Sechach and then removing the non-Kosher Sechach:[1] No need to replace the Sechach: Such as if one built a Sukkah under a removable roof, then if one removes the non-Kosher Sechach from above, then the Sukkah is valid. The […]


Sleeping in Sukkah:[1] It is forbidden to sleep outside of a Sukkah even a mere nap.[2] If one feels cold in the Sukkah, due to the cold weather and lack of blankets, then he is not obligated to sleep in the Sukkah. Furthermore if one is unable to set up […]

Pergolas & Ceiling frames

Making a Sukkah in a room that has had its roofing removed, but has its ceiling frame remain: A. If the ceiling frame is material Kosher for Sechach:[1] If the ceiling supports[2] are made of material kosher for Sechach, then one may make the Sukkah under this frame, or place […]