Good taste gives satiation

Satiation comes from Taanug:[1] Satiation from food comes from the spiritual power found in the food. This spiritual power is found specifically in the Taanug of the food. This can be vividly seen from the fact that when one eats good tasting food he feels satiated more than one who […]

Standing for Vanachnu Lo Neida in Tachanun

“Vanachnu Lo Neida” Standing at the end of Tachanun: In the paragraph of “Vanachnu Lo Neida” said in the end of Tachanun, some Poskim[1] rule it is proper to recite the words “Vanachnu Lo Neida” while sitting and then stand and recite the continuation from “Mah Naaseh”. Other Poskim[2] however […]

“Habaim Yashreish Yaakov”

“Habaim Yashreish Yaakov”:[1] The verse in Yeshaya[2] states “Habaim Yashreish Yaakov/The immigrants are rooted in Jacob.” The word Habaim/immigrants refers to the gathering of the exiles into Eretz Yisrael which will occur in the times of the future redemption.[3] In the future, the Jewish people will have their root in […]

The garments of the soul in Gan Eden

Garments in Gan Eden:[1] The Mitzvos create garments in Gan Eden for the soul. The action of the Mitzvos create the garments needed for the soul’s experience in the lower Gan Eden, Gan Eden Hatachton. The Kavana or inner intent that one has when performing the Mitzvah creates the garment […]

Must break body before immerse in Mikveh

Must break body before immerse in Mikveh:[1] The body of a Jew is similar to an earthenware vessel, having been created from the earth. Now, only metal and the like can become purified through immersion in a Mikveh, in contrast to earthenware. Earthenware must be broken to be purified. The […]

Serving Hashem in accordance to one’s level

Must serve Hashem according to one’s own level:[1] Hashem created every person with unique qualities and capabilities, both in physical and spiritual matters of service of G-d. One is intended to serve Hashem in accordance to one’s own nature. One who “grabs” the service of his friend, which is beyond […]