Telling a joke

Telling a joke:[1] The Talmud[2] states that Raba was accustomed to tell a joke prior to learning Torah with his students. Telling a joke prior to learning helps take a person from Katnus to Gadlus, from being intellectually constricted and uninterested to having a desire to learn and attach to […]

Sefeikos in Emuna

Sefeikos in Emuna:[1] It is natural for the animal soul to challenge a person with Sfeikos in Emuna. These seemingly innocent inetlectual questions are in truth the working of Sitra Achra, as the soul of a Jew remains constantly truthful to Hashem and never has any doubts. The Siotra Acchra […]

Marbim Besimcha

  Marbim Besimcha:[1] One is to increase in joy throughout the month of Adar.[2] [Hence one is to rejoice himself, his wife and children during this month, similar to the Mitzvah of rejoicing them on Yom Tov.[3] Included in this Mitzvah is increasing in all matters that give one joy.[4] However […]

Blessing on gum

Blessing on gum:[1] One recites a blessing of Shehakol over flavored gum.[2] _______________________________________________________________ [1] Beir Moshe 2/12; Kinyan Torah 5/17; Yabia Omer 7/33; Piskeiy Teshuvos 202/34 Other opinions: Some Poskim rule a blessing is not recited upon chewing gum. [Yaskil Avdi 8/7] [2] The reason: As one benefits from its […]

Shiur of Bracha Rishona

Shiur of Bracha Rishona:[1] There is no required measurement of food that must be consumed for the recital of a before blessing prior to eating or drinking, and thus even a mere taste of a minute amount of food requires a blessing to be said beforehand.[2] [This however only applies […]