
The Kelipa of the Pelishtim:[1] The term Pelishtim comes from the word Mefulash which is used in Halacha to refer to an alleyway, which is called a Mavuiy Mefulash. In Kelipa this refers to lightheadedness, a joking and frivol attitude towards all that is holy and important in life, taking […]

Tu Beshvat

The Laws and Customs of Tu Beshvat  Introduction: The day of Tu Beshvat is a Halachic date that affects the laws of Kashrus of fruits. Due to this, it has become known as Rosh Hashanah Leilanos.[1] Throughout the generations other customs have become attributed to this day, such as the […]

Cross-dressing by a skit or play

Cross-dressing by a skit or play  Cross-dressing out of jest and fun/Purim/Chasana:[1] It is accustomed on Purim [and by Chasunas[2]] to allow males to wear the clothing of females and vice versa.[3] [However many Poskim[4] challenge this custom[5] and thus practically one is not to do so. Some write it is to […]

Children cross-dressing

Children wearing clothing of the opposite gender: It is a Biblical prohibition for a man to wear the clothing of a woman or a woman to wear the clothing of a man.[1] It is disputed as to whether the prohibition of Lo Silbash only applies when one wears the opposite […]

Tzadikim nullifying decrees of Hashem

Hashem enjoys when a Tzadik nullifies his decrees: Tzaddikim were given the power to nullify the decrees Hashem makes. This power was given by Hashem graciously, and he actually receives pleasure when his children nullify his decrees.[1] This is simialr to a father who gave over a novelty in Halacha […]