Supporting Jewish businesses-The obligation to do business with a fellow Jew [i.e. buying, selling, investments, hiring]:[1] The general law:[2] The verse[3] states “Vechi Timkaru Mimkar Leamisecha, Oa Kanah Miyad Amisecha Al Tono Ish Es Achiv/When you sell or purchase from your brother do not cheat him.” From this verse it […]
Sefer Yehoshua-Chapter 7: The sin of Achan and failed battle of Aiy
Chapter 7: The sin of Achan and failed battle of Aiy 1. Someone secretly takes plunder from Jericho: The Jewish people betrayed their pledge to abide by the prohibition against taking any of the possessions of the city. Achan, the son of Karmi, the son of Zavdi, the son […]
Sefer Yehoshua-Chapter 6: The conquest of Jericho
Chapter 6: The conquest of Jericho 1. The siege of Jericho and instructions given: The city of Jericho was closed off [by its inhabitants[1]] without allowing anyone to enter or exit. Hashem instructs Yehoshua: Hashem told Yehoshua [through the angel Michael[2]] that he has handed him Jericho and its […]
Sefer Yehoshua-Chapter 5: The initial events after the crossing
Chapter 5: The initial events after the crossing 1. The fear of the Canaanite nations: When all the Amorite and Canaanite kings heard of the miracle of the drying of the river bed and the consequential crossing of the Jewish people, their hearts melted, and they became morally deflated […]
Sefer Yehoshua-Chapter 4: The stone monuments and the crossing of the Kohanim
Chapter 4: The stone monuments and the crossing of the Kohanim 1. Twelve stone are hewed from the Jordan and established as a monument: Hashem instructs Yehoshua to establish 12 monuments of stone:[1] After the entire nation passed through the Jordan, Hashem said to Yehoshua: Take [the] 12 people […]
Sefer Yehoshua-Chapter 3: Crossing the Jordan
Chapter 3: Crossing the Jordan 1. The day before the crossing-The nation is instructed that they will travel and cross the Jordan: The Jewish people encamp by the Jordan river: Yehoshua woke up early in the morning, and the entire camp traveled from Shitim and arrived at the banks […]
Sefer Yehoshua-Chapter 2: The spies in Jericho
Chapter 2: The spies in Jericho 1. Yehoshua sends spies to Jericho: Yehoshua sent two spies [i.e. Kalev and Pinchas] from the area called Shitim to spy the land and Jericho. Lodging in the home of Rachav: The spies traveled and arrived at the home of Rachav, who was […]
Sefer Yehoshua-Chapter 1: Yehoshua takes over the leadership
Buy Now-The Tanach Summary Series WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email Sign up for Daily link via Whatsapp Sponsor an Episode Donate Chapter 1: Yehoshua takes over the leadership 1. Hashem instructs Yehoshua to lead the Jewish people into Israel: After the death of Moshe, the servant of G-d, Hashem […]
Supporting Jewish businesses-The obligation to do business with a fellow Jew -PART 1
Supporting Jewish businesses-The obligation to do business with a fellow Jew [i.e. buying, selling, investments, hiring]:[[1] The general law:[2] The verse[3] states “Vechi Timkaru Mimkar Leamisecha, Oa Kanah Miyad Amisecha Al Tono Ish Es Achiv/When you sell or purchase from your brother do not cheat him.” From this verse it […]
Supporting Jewish businesses-The obligation to do business with a fellow Jew [i.e. buying, selling, investments, hiring]:
Supporting Jewish businesses-The obligation to do business with a fellow Jew [i.e. buying, selling, investments, hiring]:[1] The general law:[2] The verse[3] states “Vechi Timkaru Mimkar Leamisecha, Oa Kanah Miyad Amisecha Al Tono Ish Es Achiv/When you sell or purchase from your brother do not cheat him.” From this verse […]