Flatulence-The prohibition to release gas while wearing Tefillin:[1] It is forbidden to flatulate[2] while wearing Tefillin.[3] [Some Poskim[4] rule that this is a Biblical prohibition. It is more severe than having the Tefillin fall on the ground.[5]] One who is gassy:[6] Accordingly, one who is gassy is not to wear […]
Being careful not to flatulate wearing tefillin
Flatulence-The prohibition to release gas while wearing Tefillin:[1] It is forbidden to flatulate[2] while wearing Tefillin.[3] [Some Poskim[4] rule that this is a Biblical prohibition. It is more severe than having the Tefillin fall on the ground.[5]] One who is gassy:[6] Accordingly, one who is gassy is not to wear […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Wishing Shabbat shalom prior to prayers on Shabbos
Question: [Sunday, 6th Iyar, 5781] This past Shabbos I wished somebody a Shabbat Shalom in the morning prior to prayers and he told me that before Davening we say “good Shabbos” and not “Shabbat shalom.” Is this true and what is the reason? Answer: Indeed, the person is correct that […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Wishing Shabbat shalom prior to prayers on Shabbos
Question: [Sunday, 6th Iyar, 5781] This past Shabbos I wished somebody a Shabbat Shalom in the morning prior to prayers and he told me that before Davening we say “good Shabbos” and not “Shabbat shalom.” Is this true and what is the reason? Answer: Indeed, the person is correct that […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one use a lighter to light Shabbos candles?
Question: [Thursday, 3rd Iyar 5781] May my wife use a lighter to light the Shabbos candles or is this a problem being that she will end up extinguishing it after the lighting, prior to the blessing? Answer: A lighter should not be used by women to light the Shabbos candles, […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one use a lighter to light Shabbos candles?
Question: [Thursday, 3rd Iyar 5781] May my wife use a lighter to light the Shabbos candles or is this a problem being that she will end up extinguishing it after the lighting, prior to the blessing? Answer: A lighter should not be used by women to light the Shabbos candles, […]
May magnets be used on Shabbos
May magnets be used on Shabbos?[1] Normally, attaching things together on Shabbos is forbidden due to the sewing or building prohibition, if certain conditions are met. Thus, the question is raised whether a magnetic attachment falls under the prohibition of sewing or building and meets the conditions of prohibition and […]
May magnets be used on Shabbos
May magnets be used on Shabbos?[1] Normally, attaching things together on Shabbos is forbidden due to the sewing or building prohibition, if certain conditions are met. Thus, the question is raised whether a magnetic attachment falls under the prohibition of sewing or building and meets the conditions of prohibition and […]
Are male children of Chinuch age obligated to recite Sefiras Haomer
Are male children of Chinuch age obligated to recite Sefiras Haomer: A. Background: Children below the age of Chinuch:[1] A child who is below the age of Chinuch is exempt from all Mitzvos. Above age of Chinuch by Shema and other night Mitzvos: A son who has reached the age […]
Are male children of Chinuch age obligated to recite Sefiras Haomer
Are male children of Chinuch age obligated to recite Sefiras Haomer: A. Background: Children below the age of Chinuch:[1] A child who is below the age of Chinuch is exempt from all Mitzvos. Above age of Chinuch by Shema and other night Mitzvos: A son who has reached the age […]