Purchase “From Rav’s Desk” Q&A’s 3 Volumes* *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Join Daily Halacha distribution list Sponsor an Episode Donate Question: [Wednesday, 24th Iyar, 5782] Is it permitted for one to listen to Niggunim with musical instruments during the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Listening to Niggunim during Sefira and Bein Hametzarim
Question: [Wednesday, 24th Iyar, 5782] Is it permitted for one to listen to Niggunim with musical instruments during the period of Sefiras Haomer or Bein Hametzarim? I have heard numerous times from people that it is permitted to do so being that Niggunim is not music, and that many Rabbanim […]
Doing a Bedika to one’s car at night
Question: [Tuesday, 13th Nissan 5783] I’m a little confused regarding how and when my car is to be checked for Chametz. From some rabbis I heard that cleaning it during the day is enough, while other rabbis told me I need to check it at night with the car lights […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Doing a Bedika to one’s car at night
Question: [Tuesday, 13th Nissan 5783] I’m a little confused regarding how and when my car is to be checked for Chametz. From some rabbis I heard that cleaning it during the day is enough, while other rabbis told me I need to check it at night with the car lights […]
Tuesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [13th of Nissan 5783]
Donate Subscribe for Daily Email Tuesday, 13th Nissan 5783/April 4, 2023 Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on telegram Telegram Share on email Email Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on print Print Purchase Sefer Parshas Shemini-Shelishi A fire came from before Hashem and consumed the offerings, the […]
Using one’s water minibar on Pesach for hot and cold water
Question: [Sunday, 4th Nissan 5783] I have a minibar water dispenser that I use during the year for both hot and cold water. I would like to know if I may use this also on Pesach? Does it need to be koshered, and if so how? Answer: To use it […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Using one’s water minibar on Pesach for hot and cold water
Question: [Sunday, 4th Nissan 5783] I have a minibar water dispenser that I use during the year for both hot and cold water. I would like to know if I may use this also on Pesach? Does it need to be koshered, and if so how? Answer: To use it […]
The Pesach Seder checklist
The Seder: The following is a short checklist. See our corresponding Sefer “The Laws & Customs of the Pesach Seder-Summary Edition” for the full details of this matter! A. Erev Pesach Seder preparation list The leader of the Seder is to review the Hagadah and story of the exodus with […]
Monday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [12th of Nissan 5783]
Donate Subscribe for Daily Email Monday, 12th Nissan 5783/April 3, 2023 Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on telegram Telegram Share on email Email Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on print Print Purchase Sefer Parshas Shemini-Sheiyni The Mincha: The Mincha of the nation was offered. He filled […]
Cooked non-kosher for Pesach product in a Pesach kitchen
Question: [Sunday, 11th Nissan 5783] I read your recent article that frozen fish needs to be kosher for Pesach being that some manufacturers add starch to the fish for reasons of preservation. I was not aware of this until now and in the past have freely used frozen fish for […]