The Mitzvah and obligation:[1] C. Its greatness and reward: Long life:[2] One who honors his father and his mother, Scripture[3] promises him long life. Thus, whoever desires a long and healthy life with a proper livelihood and to live with honor and respect should always abide by the will of […]
Wednesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [12th Iyar 5783]
Donate Subscribe for Daily Email Wednesday, 12th Iyar 5783/May 3, 2023 Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on telegram Telegram Share on email Email Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on print Print Purchase Sefer Parshas Emor Revi’i The Moadim-Jewish Holidays: Hashem spoke to Moshe saying, tell the […]
Tuesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [11th Iyar 5783]
Donate Subscribe for Daily Email Tuesday, 11th Iyar 5783/May 2, 2023 Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on telegram Telegram Share on email Email Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on print Print Purchase Sefer Parshas Emor Shelishi Laws of Karbanos: An Olah voluntary offering: Any Jew may […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Tikkun for forgetting to wear tefillin of Rabbeinu Tam
Question: [Tuesday, 11th Iyar 5783] I usually wear my tefillin of Rabbeinu Tam immediately after prayers, although the other day I had a pressing circumstance which required me to leave immediately after Shacharis to attend to, and although I had certainly plan to where the tefillin of Rabbeinu Tam later […]
Tikkun for forgetting to wear tefillin of Rabbeinu Tam
Question: [Tuesday, 11th Iyar 5783] I usually wear my tefillin of Rabbeinu Tam immediately after prayers, although the other day I had a pressing circumstance which required me to leave immediately after Shacharis to attend to, and although I had certainly plan to where the tefillin of Rabbeinu Tam later […]
Kibud Av Vaeim: The Mitzvah and obligation, Greatness and Reward
The Mitzvah and obligation:[1] Its Biblical status: Honoring and fearing one’s father and mother are each a [separate[2]] positive command in the Torah[3], and honoring one’s parents is famously listed as the fifth of the 10 Commandments. [The command of honoring one’s parents is listed by the Rambam as the […]
The Mitzvah and obligation of Kibud Av Vaeim-Part 1
The Mitzvah and obligation:[1] A. Its Biblical status: Honoring and fearing one’s father and mother are each a positive command in the Torah[2], and honoring one’s parents is famously listed as the fifth of the 10 Commandments. [The command of honoring one’s parents is listed by the Rambam as the […]
Does a Pure amino acid shake require a Hashgacha?
Question: [5th Iyar 5780] Does a 100% pure amino acid shake require a Hashgacha, such as this product that I would like to buy. Answer: Amino acids are derived from proteins which are in turn can be derived from meat products, which of course has the worry of […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Does a Pure amino acid shake require a Hashgacha?
Question: [5th Iyar 5780] Does a 100% pure amino acid shake require a Hashgacha, such as this product that I would like to buy. Answer: Amino acids are derived from proteins which in turn can be derived from meat products, which of course has the worry of being […]
Saying Hagomel when traveling by Plane
Does one say Hagomel upon flying?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that one is to bless Hagomel anytime one travels by plane, even if he is traveling over populated land.[3] Other Poskim[4] however rule that one is to only recite Hagomel if he is traveling by plane over a sea or desert, […]