May one answer Amen in middle of Yishtabach?

Question: May one answer Amen Yihei Shmei Raba for Kaddish in middle of the blessing of Yishtabach?   Answer:               No. Once one has begun the words of Baruch Ata Hashem in the conclusion of the blessing, one may no longer answer for a regular Amen. However, it is disputed amongst […]

Honoring one’s parent during a meal

Honoring one’s parent during a meal:[1] One should precede his parent prior to other people regarding all matters. Preceding by a meal:[2] Thus, for example, by a meal that the child is hosting the father and mother should receive their food portion prior to others and should receive the best […]

Honoring during business and chore performance

Honoring during business and chore performance:[1] One is obligated to respect his parents during his business dealings and performance of chores. Hence, if one is in need of a certain matter from another person, then he should request from them to do it out of respect for his father [as […]