Question: May one wash rags or hand towels during the nine days? Answer: If one has run out of clean rags or towels, then he may wash them up until the week of Tishe Beav. They may not be washed during the week of Tishe Beav. However, some are […]
May one wash rags or hand towels during the nine days?
* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Email Question: May one wash rags or hand towels during the nine days? […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May children go swimming in a kiddie pool during the nine days?
Question: May children go swimming in a kiddie pool during the nine days? Answer: Ashkenazi Children of any age should not go swimming during the nine days, or play in water, including in a bathtub or kiddie pool. Nonetheless, those who do so do not need to be protested […]
May a parent serve a child?
May a parent serve a child:[1] If a father desires to serve his son, it is permitted for the son to accept the service.[2] [Thus, if a father or mother desires to serve a meal to their son, they may do so, and the son does not have to protest […]
May a child ask from his parent to serve him, such as to serve bring him a cup of water and the like?
May a child ask from his parent to serve him, such as to serve bring him a cup of water and the like?[1] The above allowance for a child to accept a service from his parent is specifically if the parent chooses to do so on his own initiative. It […]
Admonishing one’s children
Admonishing one’s children:[1] It is forbidden for one to admonish his adult children too much in a way that will cause them to fight back and belittle the parent. ____________________________ [1] Tzafichis BeDevash 53; Yifei Laleiv 3:35; Pesakim Uteshuvos 240:53 Bookmark
Not to overburden one’s child with demands and to be forgiving of one’s respect
Limits in what a parent can instruct their children-Not to overburden one’s child with demands and to be forgiving of one’s respect:[1] It is forbidden for a parent to overburden his children with demands and to be overparticular with their respect towards him, in order so he does not cause […]
Shaming-The punishment for one who shames his father or mother
Shaming-The punishment for one who shames his father or mother:[1] Whoever shames his father and mother is considered cursed by the mouth of G-d [i.e., Gevura], as the verse[2] states “cursed should be one who shames [i.e., Makleh] his father and mother.” This applies even if one only shamed them […]
May one play tackle football with a parent?
May one play tackle football with a parent? No, as it is possible to cause the parent an injury through doing so. Bookmark
May one wrestle with a parent?
May one wrestle with a parent? No, as it is possible to cause the parent an injury through doing so. Bookmark