Doresh El Hameisim: The prohibition against Necromancy & Seance, and the allowance to visit graves 0 3071
From the Rav’s Desk: Celebrating Halloween-Are there any Halachic impediments against doing so? 1 1681
From the Rav’s Desk: May children look in the mirror prior to growing teeth, and is one to avoid stepping over a child lest he not grow? 2 3536
May one wish Holiday greetings to gentiles- “Merry Chris-mass; Happy Holidays; Happy New Years” 3 7831
Names of idols-Saying the names of the weekdays, secular months, and planets which are named after idols 1 1441
Parshas Vayechi-The final message of Yaakov to his sons and the Jewish perspective on Christianity 1 2218