Daily Tanach Thursday Sefer Melachim 2 Chapter 2 Part 2: Eliyahu splits the Jordon river

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer
  1. Eliyahu splits the Jordon river, and Elisha asks to be given double his spirit:
  • Fifty prophet students stand by to witness the event: There were fifty disciples of the prophets who went and stood opposite them [i.e. Eliyahu and Elisha] from a distance, as they both [i.e. Eliyahu and Elisha] stood at the Jordan.
  • Eliyahu splits the Jordon river: Eliyahu took his mantle and rolled it up, and struck the water with it. This caused the river to divide to two different sides, hence creating a dry path of land on the riverbed, which they used to cross.
  • Eliyahu grants Elisha a final request: When they crossed the river, Eliyahu asked Elisha if there is anything that he would like to request from him before he is taken away from him. Elisha replied that he would like to receive a double portion of the spirit of Eliyahu. Eliyahu responded that this is a difficult request [as how can he given something that he himself does not have, as he only contains one portion of himself[1]]. Nonetheless, he told Elisha that if he merits to see him being taken [to heaven] then his request shall be granted to receive a double portion of his spirit, and if not, then it will not be granted. [Indeed, it was eventually granted, as we see that he was able to revive two dead men.[2]]

[1] Rashi 2:10

[2] Radak 2:8

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