Daily Chumash Tuesday – The tribe of Levi is counted

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. The fashion in which the land of Israel will be divided:
    • The land is to be inherited according to the population [of each tribe or family]. Those of larger population are to receive a larger area, and those of smaller population are to receive a smaller area. The land will be divided based on raffle, in accordance to the tribes/families.

  1. The tribe of Levi is counted:
    • Family descendants: Gershon; Kehos; Merari; Livni; Chevroni; Machli; Mushi; Karchi. Kehos had Amram, who had Moshe, Aaron and Miriam. Aaron had Nadav, Avihu, Elazar and Isamar. Nadav and Avihu died before Hashem when they brought a foreign fire.
    • Population: 23,000 males from the age of one month
    • The tribe of Levi was not counted together with the rest of the Jewish people, as they do not receive an inheritance.
      • The above population did not include any of the people from the census that was taken in the desert [prior to the sin of the Meraglim], as they all died in the desert, with exception to Kalev and Yehoshua.

  1. Bnos Tzelafchad
  • The daughters of Tzelafchad approached Moshe, Elazar, the leaders, and the entire congregation by the entrance of the Ohel Moed and inquired as to why they will not be receiving an inheritance of land on behalf of their father. Their father did not die as a result of the sin of Korach and rather died due to his own sin, and he did not leave any sons. They demanded to receive their father’s portion of inheritance in place of a son.
  • Moshe brought their claim before Hashem.

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