Daily Chumash Tuesday Balak – Balaam’s journey

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Balaam’s journey:
  • Balaam awoke in the morning and saddled his female donkey and traveled with the dignitaries of Moav.
  • The angel blocks Balaam’s path three times and he smites his donkey: Hashem’s wrath boiled over the fact that Balaam was traveling to curse the Jews and He therefore positioned an angel with a drawn sword in front of the path that they were traveling. Upon the donkey seeing the angel of G-d with a drawn sword on the road, he circumvented it and went off the road, to the field. Balaam proceeded to hit the donkey to get her back on the road. Again, the angel stood in the path of the donkey by a path in the vineyard. The donkey, upon seeing the angel of G-d, went off to the side of the road which was gated and consequently crushed the foot of Balaam. Balaam once again hit the donkey. Again, the angel stood in the path of the donkey, but this time there was no room for the donkey to circumvent him. The donkey simply stopped and crouched down. Balaam hit the donkey in fury.
  • The donkey speaks: Hashem suddenly opened the mouth of the donkey and she began to speak, rebuking Balaam for hitting her. “What have I done to you that you hit me three times?” Balaam replied, “You mocked me; if only I had a sword I would kill you.” The donkey replied “Am I not your donkey that you have ridden from your inception until this day. Have I ever done this to you?” And Balaam replied “No.”
  • Hashem reveals the angel: Hashem then opened Blaam’s eyes and he saw the angel with the drawn sword standing on the road. Balaam prostrated himself before him. The angel of G-d chastised Balaam for hitting his donkey three times, telling Balaam that he had stood in the donkey’s way as an impediment, and the donkey saved his life by swerving away. If the donkey would not have swerved away, I would have killed you and let it live. Balaam replied to the angel that he has sinned, and he did not know that the angel was in the way. “Now, if you do not desire me to go then I will turn back.” The angel replied that he may go, although he will only be able to speak the words that he places in his mouth. Balaam continued his travels with the delegation of Balak.

  1. Balaam arrives:
  • Balak heard of Balaam’s imminent arrival and he went to greet him by the border of Arnon. Balak asked Balaam why he had refused to come until now, to which Balaam replied that he is limited and cannot speak anything that Hashem does not place in his mouth.

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