Daily Chumash Monday Balak – Balak requests from Balaam to curse the Jewish people

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  • In the morning Balaam told the messengers that they should return to Balak and tell him that he cannot go with them, as Hashem does not allow him to go. The emissaries of Balak returned to him, and informed him that Balaam refuses to go with them.
  • Balak sends a second delegation: Balak sent a second, and more respected and dignified, delegation to try to convince Balaam to come. They told Balaam “So said Balak, do not refuse our request to come with us. I will honor you greatly, and whatever you tell me I shall do. Please just curse this nation.” Balaam once again replied to the delegation of Balak that even if they were to offer him Balak’s entire house filled with gold and silver he could not go against Hashem’s instructions, for small or big. Balaam told also the second delegation to stay the night and see what Hashem would reply.
  • Hashem agrees to allow Balaam to go: Hashem appeared to Balaam that night and told him that he may go, although he will only be able to speak the words that He places in his mouth.

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