Daily Chumash Thursday Korach – A staff is gathered from each tribe and the staff of Aaron blossoms

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. A staff is gathered from each tribe and the staff of Aaron blossoms:
  • Hashem instructed Moshe to take a staff from each one of the tribes of the Jewish people for a total of 12 staffs. Each tribe’s name is to be inscribed on their staff. Aaron’s name is to be written on the staff of the tribe of Levi. The staffs are to be placed in the Ohel Moed and whoever is chosen, his staff will blossom, and thus the complaint of the Jewish people will subside.
  • Moshe spoke to the people of G-d’s instructions and the people did as Moshe commanded, and the staffs were placed by Moshe inside the Ohel. The next day, when Moshe entered the Ohel he found that the staff of Aaron had blossomed and grew almonds. Moshe removed all the staffs from before Hashem and each person took his staff.

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