Daily Chumash Naso Friday – The Karbanos of the Nesi’im

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  • The sixth day: On the sixth day, Eliasaf Ben Deuel of the tribe of Gad brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The seventh day: On the seventh day, Elishama Ben Amihud of the tribe of Ephraim brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The eighth day: On the eighth day, Gamliel Ben Pedahtzur of the tribe of Menasheh brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The ninth day: On the ninth day, Avidan Ben Gidoni of the tribe of Binyamin brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The tenth day: On the tenth day, Achiezer Ben Amishaddai of the tribe of Dan brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.

Shevi’i (according to most Chumashim)

  • The eleventh day: On the eleventh day, Pagiel Ben Ochran of the tribe of Asher brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.
  • The twelfth day: On the twelfth day, Achira Ben Einan of the tribe of Naftali brought a Karban. The Karban consisted of the same items as that offered on the first day by Nachshon.

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