The Rebbe’s position on smoking cigarettes

The Rebbe’s position on smoking cigarettes:[1]

Not to proclaim that it is prohibited to smoke: The Rebbe refused to personally come out with a proclamation or decree that smoking is forbidden according to Jewish law, and nor did he endorse such a proclamation by other rabbis. The Rebbe expressed several reasons for his opposition to such a proclamation. 1) The Rebbe held that such matters are within the jurisdiction of Doctors and not Rabbis.[2] 2) The Rebbe stated that it is possible to create cigarettes that are free of their cancerous agents, and hence it is not relevant to put out a proclamation of prohibition against cigarettes in general.[3] 3) Likewise, the Rebbe stated that it is not relevant to come out with a proclamation of a prohibition regarding a matter that is debated amongst Rabbanim as to its validity, and that a large segment of society will be unable to uphold. 4) Likewise, those who are already chain smokers the Rebbe stated that having them quit may be detrimental to their health even more than the actual smoking, and exact directives of how to act belong to a doctor and not a Rav.[4]

Is forbidden due to Vinishmartem:[5] Notwithstanding the above, the Rebbe stated that every Jew must abide by the command of “Vinishmartem” which is a well-known law which requires a Jew to guard his health [and hence if in truth cigarettes are unhealthy then obviously this would fall under this obligation] irrelevant of whether this matter is publicized by Rabbis or not.

Negative character traits: On one occasion, the Rebbe told a woman that smoking is not healthy for the body or the soul and causes a negative character trait.[6]

Yeshiva students:[7] In the year 1942, the Rebbe Rayatz directed the Rosh Hayeshiva of Tomchei Temimim to instruct all of the students that it is an absolute prohibition for any student under age 20 to smoke whether cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, and that this prohibition is effective 24 seven. The Rebbe Rayatz requested that the management of the Yeshiva assiduously supervise that this prohibition is being followed and any student who was found to be smoking should be heavily punished. Regarding students aged 20 and above the Rebbe Rayatz instructed that they should be told in his name that for their own physical and spiritual good they should stop smoking through diminishing in smoking day by day until they are completely weaned from it. The Rebbe Rayatz blessed those who would listen to his instructions with a blessing in both spiritual and physical matters and requested that he be given a list of the students above age 20 who have adhered to his request and stopped smoking. The Rebbe Rayatz kept tabs on this for some period of time, personally making sure from the Hanhala that the students stopped smoking.[8] This idea was reiterated by the Rebbe to a student in a private audience in the year 1976 in which the Rebbe pointed the student to this letter and instruction of the Rebbe Rayatz.[9] As a result of this private audience, the students in the yeshiva began a campaign to stop smoking, and the management of the yeshiva reemphasized the prohibition for students to smoke.

Chain smokers: Those who are already chain smokers the Rebbe stated that having them quit may be detrimental to their health even more than the actual smoking, and exact directives of how to act belong to a doctor and not a Rav.[10]

The Rabbeim: The Rebbe Maharash[11], Rebbe Rashab[12], Rebbe Rayaz[13], and Rebbe[14], were all known to smoke tobacco on occasion, at certain times in their life. Likewise, the father of the Rebbe would smoke.[15]


[1] See Igros Kodesh Rayatz 7:66, 76, 77, 87; English written Letter of Rebbe from 1979, translated into Hebrew and printed in Heichal Menachem Vol. 3 p. 98; Hiskashrus 242; Hatamim Gilyon 17 p. 74-78

[2] Igros Kodesh [Heichal Menachem] p. 97; Answer of Rebbe by dollars;

[3] Igros Kodesh [Heichal Menachem] p. 97; Answer of Rebbe by dollars; Letter of Rebbe printed in Kefar Chabad 980

[4] Igros Kodesh [Heichal Menachem] p. 98; Answer of Rebbe by dollars; Sichos Kodesh 5738:1-5 in Hosafos

[5] Igros Kodesh [Heichal Menachem] p. 98; Letter of Rebbe printed in Kefar Chabad 980

[6] Answer to a certain woman named Ziva Pash from Kibbutz Ayin Hanatziv

[7] See Igros Kodesh Rayatz 7:66, 76, 77, 87

[8] See letters ibid

[9] See Heichal Menachem 3:257-258

[10] Igros Kodesh [Heichal Menachem] p. 98; Answer of Rebbe by dollars; Sichos Kodesh 5738:1-5 in Hosafos

[11] Shemuos Vesippurim 1:121

[12] See Igros Kodesh Rashab; Migdal Oz p. 96

[13] See Hamelech Bemisibo 2:98 that the Rebbe Rayatz smoked on the night of the Seder and did not lean while doing so; Sichas Yud Shevat 5720

[14] See Hiskashrus ibid; Yimei Melech p. 473

[15] See Hamelech Bemisibo 2:98 that the Rebbe Rayatz smoked on the night of the Seder and would lean while doing so

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