Daily Tanya 15th Adar 2: Chapter 37-Elevating the entire world


(LY) 15th Adar 2

  1. The complete elevation of the entire world:
  • The complete elevation of the entire world will be fully accomplished when every single G-dly soul within every single Jew, which is divided into 600,000 souls, fulfills all the 613 commands of the Torah.
  • The fulfillment of all the 365 negative commands: When all the Jewish people fulfill all of the 365 negative commands, this will elevate the entire world. The fulfillment of the 365 negative commands prevents the 365 sinews of blood that are within the animal soul that is in the body from nurturing from one of the three completely unclean forces of evil from which each of the 365 negative commands, and their Rabbinical offshoots, derive from. If a person does sin with one of these commands, then the animal soul can no longer be elevated to G-d, as it has now been tainted with the three completely unclean forces of evil which will never see an elevation. The only way to get rid of the three unclean forces of evil is to completely eradicate them from the world as the verse states, “and I will remove the spirit of impurity from the earth.”
  • The fulfillment of all the 248 positive commands: When all the Jewish people fulfill all the 248 positive commands then the world will be elevated. The fulfillment of the 248 positive commands draws the infinite light of G-d down here below and elevates the general energy of the animal soul that is found within the 248 limbs of the body and have it become unified in a complete unity with G-d.
  • A dwelling place for G-d: This is precisely what G-d has desired all along, to have a dwelling place made for Him below.
  • A chariot for G-d: When we accomplish the above, then our actual limbs will become a chariot for G-d just like our forefathers.

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