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Sunday, 11th Nissan 5783/April 2, 2023
Parshas Shemini-Rishon
- The order of the eighth day of inauguration:
- On the eighth day Moshe summoned Aaron, his sons, and the elders of Israel and commanded them the order of sacrifices for the day of inauguration.
- Aaron’s offerings: Aaron is commanded to take a calf for a Chatas, and a ram for an Olah and to offer it to Hashem.
- The offering of the people: The Jewish people are commanded to take a he-goat for a Chatas, and a calf and sheep in their first year for an Olah, and a bull and ram for a Shelamim, and a Mincha mixed with oil. The Jewish people brought all the offerings and came to the front of the Ohel Moed.
- Moshe tells the Jewish people that through doing the above service the Shechina will be seen.
- The meat offerings: Aaron is told to offer the Chatas and Olah and atone for himself and for the nation. He is then to offer the Karbanos of the nation. Aaron did as he was told and slaughtered his calf Chatas sacrifice and he dipped his finger in the blood and placed it on the Mizbeiach. The fat, kidneys, and diaphragm of the liver of the Chatas was offered to the Mizbeaich. The meat and skin were burnt outside the camp. The Olah was then slaughtered and its blood was sprinkled around the Mizbeiach. The limbs and its head were offered to the Mizbeiach. The innards and legs were offered. The Chatas of the nation was slaughtered similar to the first Chatas. The Olah of the nation is offered.
Calves | 2 calves [One for Chatas for Aaron, and one for an Olah of the Jewish people] |
Rams | 2 rams [One for Olah for Aaron, and one for Shelamim of Jewish people] |
Goat | 1 Goat [For Chatas for Jewish people] |
Sheep | 1 Sheep [For an Olah of the Jewish people] |
Ox | 1 Ox [For a Shelamim of the Jewish people] |
Mincha | 1 Mincha |
Tanya Middle of Chapter 39
1. Serving Hashem Lishma versus not Lishma-Love & fear versus habit versus ulterior motives:
- Ulterior motives: Not Lishma does not just mean that one serves Hashem for ulterior motives, Chas Veshalom [which is certainly defined as not Lishma], but even if he serves Hashem simply out of habit, without any motivation.
- Habitual service: On this the prophet bemoans “And you fear Me and fulfill Mitzvos out of habit,” due to the habit that one became accustomed to from a young age, through his father’s and teacher’s education to fear and serve G-d.
- True Lishma requires feelings of love and fear: Such a person is not considered to be serving Hashem truly Lishma, as truly Lishma means that one arouses fear and love at least in his mind, from the natural love that is hidden in his heart.
- The reason: Just as a person does not perform an action for his friend unless he loves or fears him, so too its not possible to truly serve Him Lishma and fulfill His wishes without at the very least remembering and arousing love and fear at all in his mind and thought.
2. Love alone does not suffice-One who serves Hashem with love but without fear:
- Love alone is not considered Avoda without also arousing some level of fear which is hidden in the hearts of every Jew.
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