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Monday, 5th of Nissan 5783/March 27, 2023
Parshas Tzav-Sheiyni
- The Karban of the Kohanim on the day of their inauguration:
- On the day of his inauguration, Aaron and his children are to offer to Hashem a 10th of an Eifa [2.49 liter[1]] of flour as a Mincha offering. It is to be fine flour [i.e. Soles]. Half is to be offered in the morning and half in the evening.
- Fried crackers: It is to be fried in oil in a pan and broken to small pieces.
- This offering is to be brought in each generation by the Kohen who inherits the mantle of priesthood from his father.
- Entirely offered: The entire Mincha is to be offered to Hashem and no part of it is to be eaten.
- The laws of the Chatas offering:
- The following are the laws of the Chatas offering: It is to be slaughtered in the same area as the Olah, in front of Hashem. This offering is a holy of holies.
- The eating: It is to be eaten by the Kohen who offers it. It is to be eaten in a holy area, in the courtyard of the Ohel Moed. It is to be eaten by all male Kohanim.
- Its taste: Whatever touches [and absorbs from] its flesh becomes holy.
- The garments: Any garment that gets wet from its blood is to be laundered in the holy place.
- The vessel: The earthenware vessel in which it is cooked is to be destroyed, while if it is cooked in a copper vessel, it is to be cleaned and washed with water.
- Invalidations: Any Chatas which its blood is entered into the Ohel Moed to atone is not to be eaten. It is rather to be burnt in fire.
- The laws of the Asham offering:
- The following are the laws of the Asham offering: This offering is a holy of holies.
- Where: It is to be slaughtered in the same area as the Olah and its blood is to be sprinkled all around the altar.
- What is offered: All its fat is to be offered, as well as its tail, and the fat covering the intestines. The two kidneys and their fat which are on them are to be offered. The diaphragm which is on the liver is to be removed. It is to be offered by the Kohen onto the altar.
- The eating: It is to be eaten by all the male Kohanim in a holy area.
- Who keeps the meat and skin of the Karbanos?
- The Chatas and Asham have the same law; it is given to the Kohen who offers it. Likewise, the Kohanim who offer the Olah of an individual gets to keep its skin. Likewise, any baked and fried Mincha which is offered by a Kohen, is to be given to that Kohen. Any Mincha offering that is mixed with oil or is dry, belongs to all of Aaron’s sons.
[1] Shiureiy Torah
Tanya middle of Chapter 38
1. The reason the Kavana of a Mitzvah draws down a much greater G-dly revelation:
- The Kavana of a Mitzvah, which is the Dveikus of the mind and intellect to Hashem, is not in it of itself greater than the Dveikus achieved through the actual physical fulfillment of the Mitzvah. Rather, it is due to the fact that also the Kavana of the Mitzvah is the will of Hashem that its Dveikus is greater, as Hashem desires that one attach one’s mind and intellect to Him through the intent of the physical Mitzvos, and the intent of Kerias Shema, Tefila and the other blessings.
- Now, the ray of Divine will which shines and is invested in the intent is infinitely greater than the ray of the Divine will that shines and is invested in the physical Mitzvos of action and speech themselves, when done without intent.
2. Like a soul versus the body:
- The advantage of the Divine revelation in the Kavana of the Mitzvah is like the advantage of the soul over the body. The body is simply a vessel and garment for the soul, and so too the body of the Mitzvah itself is a vessel and garment for the intent.
3. The Divine will is the same in the action and Kavana of the Mitzva, however the revelation is different:
- In both the physical action of the Mitzvah and the intent of the mind, is invested the same will of Hashem which is undefined, and has no change or plurality Heaven Forbid.
- Divine will is united with essence of Hashem: This Divine will is united with the essence of Hashem in the most absolute unity.
- Divine ray is not equal in them both: Nonetheless, the Divine ray is not equal in them both, in terms of their contraction and dissipation.
- Or versus Keli: (As it states in Eitz Chaim that the Kavana’s of the Mitzvos, and the learning of Torah is the aspect of Divine light, while the actual Mitzvos are the level of vessels which are contracted, as through the contraction of the light comes the vessels.)
4. The four levels in the actions and Kavanaos of the Mitzvos:
- The Mitzvos and its Kavana are split to four levels [just as the creations of the world].
- Action of the Mitzvah: The actual physical Mitzvah themselves contain two levels which are 1) the Mitzvos that contain action and 2) the Mitzvos that are fulfilled through speech and thought, such as Talmud Torah, Tefila, Birchas Hamazon and other blessings.
- Kavana of the Mitzvah: The Kavanos of the Mitzvos is likewise split to two levels just as there exists two levels of souls in the animal and human body, 1) the soul of animals and 2) the soul of humans.
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