- One who is unsure as to the correct blessing:[1]
Doubt if is Shehakol: If even after one’s study and research he is still left in doubt in regards to which blessing is to be recited over the product, either due to a Halachic question or dispute[2], or due to not knowing at all what the food item is [and cannot tell if it is a fruit, or vegetable, or a Shehakol product], then one is to recite the blessing of Shehakol, being that it covers all products. [Alternatively, one is to eat the product within a meal of bread, if it is a food that can be exempt with Hamotzi. This indeed is the better option, as in such a case there’s no doubt at all regarding the blessing.[3]]
Doubt if is Haeitz or Ha’adama:[4] In the event that one is in doubt as to whether a certain agricultural product is a fruit of the ground or a fruit of a tree, or in the case that there is a is a Halachic doubt as to the correct blessing due to a dispute amongst the Poskim[5], then one is to say the blessing of Hadama, as Hadama includes Haeitzs. [If however one said Haeitz in such a case, he nevertheless fulfills his obligation as Safek Brachos Lihakel.[6]] [Alternatively, one is to eat the product within a meal of bread, if it is a food that can be exempt with Hamotzi. This indeed is the better option, as in such a case there’s no doubt at all regarding the blessing.[7]]
Doubt if is Mezonos or Ha’adama:[8] In the event that one is in doubt as to whether a certain food is Mezonos or Ha’adama, then one is to say the blessing of Shehakol.
Doubt if is Hamotzi or Mezonos:[9] In the event that one is in doubt as to whether a certain food is Hamotzi or Mezonos, then one is to say the blessing of Mezonos.[10]
[1] Seder 1:4-5; Luach 1:5; Admur 202:24; Michaber 204:13; Rama 202:18; M”A 202:36; Tur 202; Rosh 6:6; Rabbeinu Yona Brachos 25a
[2] Such as rice [Seder 1:10] or fruit soup [Seder 7:12] or a fruit which has completely disintegrated [Seder 7:22-24], or soup from vegetables that have cooked in vinegar [Seder 7:21] or legume porridge that has been slightly cooked [Seder 7:24]
[3] Admur 202:24; Omitted from Seder and Luach ibid, despite Admur bringing this concept regarding rice in Seder 1:11!
[4] Seder 1:4; Luach 1:4-5; Admur 206:1; 202:24; Michaber 206:1; Ketzos Hashulchan 49:2
[5] Such as fruit jam [Seder 6:4] or perennials [Seder 6:6]
[6] Ketzos Hashulchan 49:2
[7] Admur 202:24; Omitted from Seder and Luach ibid, despite Admur bringing this concept regarding rice in Seder 1:11!
[8] Seder 1:10 regarding rice
[9] Admur 168:12 according to all opinions
[10] The reason: The opinion who is stringent to invalidate the blessing of Mezonos by definite Hamotzi bread agrees that even initially one is to recite the blessing Mezonos by questionable Hamotzi bread such as Pas Haba Bekisnin, as Safek Brachos Lihakel and even initially there is no worry of a blessing in vain in such a case being that the sages were lenient to permit one to fulfill his obligation with this blessing. Furthermore, in truth the blessing of Mezonos ideally includes also bread and so long as it is not clear that a food has a definition of complete bread, we should not remove it from status that is included in the blessing of Mezonos. [See Admur 168:12 in great length]
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