Where is one to light the Chanukah candles on Erev and Motzei Shabbos if he will be traveling for Shabbos, or eating out for the Friday night meal

Where is one to light the Chanukah candles on Erev and Motzei Shabbos if he will be traveling for Shabbos, or eating out for the Friday night meal?

If one is traveling for Shabbos, where is he to light the candles on Erev Shabbos?[1]

If one is traveling on Erev Shabbos to go away for Shabbos, then if he is leaving his home prior to Plag Hamincha, he must light candles at the area that he will be staying for Shabbos. If, however, he will be leaving after Plag Hamincha, then he may choose to light candles either at home, or by his destination.[2] However, some[3] say that those who are accustomed to light inside their homes, should only light the candles at home if there will be family members who will remain to watch the candles, and to whom the miracle can be publicized to. Otherwise, one is to light the candles specifically by his destination, even if he travels after Plag Hamincha.


On Erev Shabbos, where is one to light the Chanukah candles if he and his family will be eating out for the Friday night meal?

  • Example: One will be leaving his apartment with his entire family for a Shabbos meal on Erev Shabbos. Where is he to light? What if he will only return home very late when the candles are already extinguished.

He is to light the candles at home after Plag Hamincha, prior to leaving, and secure them in a safe area to avoid a fire hazard.[4] However, in a time of need that one cannot light the candles at home [such as if a secure area against fire cannot be secured, or if his entire family must leave the home before Plag Hamincha[5]] then he may light the candles in the area that he will eat the Friday night meal, in the presence of his family.[6]


If one is traveling back home on Motzei Shabbos, where should he light the candles?[7]

Some[8] say that one is to delay lighting the candles until he returns home, and he is thus to try and return home right away. Others[9] however say that he may light the candles at his current location where he stayed for Shabbos, and does not have to wait until he returns home. This especially applies if he will be returning home very late at night, in which case he should specifically light by his current location.


[1] Piskeiy Teshuvos 677:4

[2] See Shevet Halevi 8:158

[3] Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid footnote 33 as one is required to perform the Pirsumei Nissa until a half hour after nightfall, and if no one remains at home, one is unable to perform the Mitzvah properly.

[4] As one who happens to be eating out on one of the nights of Chanukah, must return home to his family to light, and cannot light where he is eating [M”A 677:7; Taz 677:2; Kneses Hagedola 677; Bach 677; Elya Raba 677:3; M”B 677:12; Kaf Hachaim 677:21; Minchas Yitzchak 7:48; Piskeiy Teshuvos 677:]  and perhaps this applies even if he comes with his entire family, as explained in the previous Q&A.

[5] Otherwise, whatever adult family member who can remain is to do so and light there even if the husband/father must leave the home before Plag.

[6] In a time of need one may rely on the implication of the Bach that when one is with his family, he may light in the area that he eats. To note that even the Taz ibid, from whom we implied that one may not light where he eats, he does not mention that doping so is a blessing in vain. [See Bach 677; Taz 677:2 and M”A 677:7; Peri Chadash 677; Biur Halacha 677:1 “Bemikom Sheochel”; Kaf Hachaim 677:17; Kinyan Torah 5:72; Minchas Yitzchak 7:48; Piskeiy Teshuvos 677:4 footnote 25 and 29-30; Az Nidvaru 7:69]

[7] Piskeiy Teshuvos 677:4

[8] Chovas Hadar 2 footnote 65

[9] Koveitz Darcheiy Horah; See Shevet Halevi 8:158; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid footnote 35 in name of Rav SZ”A

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