When to do Shalom Zachar if born on Friday night

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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Born on Friday night:[1]

If the child was born on Friday night, towards the start of the night, then some Poskim[2] rule that the Shalom Zachar is to take place on that Friday night and only if it takes place then is it considered a Seudas Mitzvah.[3] However, if it takes place the next Friday night, then it is not considered a Seudas Mitzvah.[4] Other Poskim[5], however, rule that it is a take place on the next Friday night, and so is the practical custom.[6]


[1] See Shevach Habris 10:1

[2] P”M 444 M”Z 9; Likkutei Maharich Mila

[3] The reason: This is in order to give thanks to God for saving the child at the earliest possible opportunity. 

[4] P”M ibid

[5] Migdal Oz Pesicha Hilchos Mila 15; Korei Habris 265:68; Chosem Kodesh 9-10

[6] Koreis Habris ibid; Chosem Kodesh ibid; Zocher Habris 3:4-5; Bris Avos 46; Shevach Habris 10:3

The reason: 1) As it’s not possible to prepare a last-minute meal.  2) As a true Shavuas Haben meal [which is how it is referred to in the Talmud] is specifically after a week has passed. 3) As some opinion say the Shavuas Haben meal mentioned humbled, refers to the meal which takes place the night before the Bris. [Degul Merivav Y.D. 178]

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