What is the difference between Emuna and Bitachon?

What is the difference between Emuna and Bitachon?

Security versus insecurity:[1] The difference between Emuna and Bitachon is that Emuna refers simply to a belief, which does not necessarily secure one from having a turmoil of emotions and anxiety regarding a given issue. However, the term Bitachon means security, which emphasizes that one is tranquil due to his belief in G-d. For example, a person may believe that G-d has the capability of giving him a salvation from a certain problem that he is facing, however, this does not mean that he trusts that G-d will actually do so for him and therefore he may remain skeptical and worried about his issue. However, Bitachon means that one trusts in G-d to the point that he is absolutely convinced that G-d will save him from the issue he faces to the point that he feels no worry and anxiety whatsoever about the issue, and is completely relaxed about it.

Past versus future:[2] The concept of Emuna in Hashem that Gam Zu Letova is relative to past events, that one should believe that even if the matter that one prayed and trusted in G-d in did not come to fruition, that it is for his best. However, regarding all matters that have yet to occur, one is to trust that G-d will give him actual revealed good.

Constant versus Occasional:[3] Emuna is a precept of belief in G-d which applies constantly. Bitachon, however, only applies in a time of distress and challenge


[1] See Kad Hakemach Erech Bitachon; Likkutei Sichos Vol. 36 Sicha 1 ; See Likkutei Sichos Vol. 26 p. 113 footnote 20

[2] Toras Menachem 5745 5:2719; Likkutei Sichos 3:883

[3] Likkutei Sichos Vol. 26 p. 97

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