What is one to dip in ash by the Seudas Hamasekes of Erev Tishe Beav? The egg or the bread?

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What is one to dip in ash by the Seudas Hamasekes of Erev Tishe Beav? The egg or the bread? I have heard different things and I am confused?

The Poskim[1] mention dipping the bread in ash and make no mention of the egg. Many however today are accustomed to dip the egg in ash [rather than the bread].[2]


[1] Rama 552:6; Kitzur SHU”A 123:3

[2] Moed Lekol Chaiy 10:29; Nitei Gavriel 51 footnote 21; Hiskashrus; See Ashel Avraham Butchach 552

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