Was Yael, the wife of Chever the Kini who killed Sisra, Jewish?

Was Yael, the wife of Chever the Kini who killed Sisra, Jewish?

Some write that Yael was not Jewish, and her husband Chever Hakini was a Ger Toshav.[1] Others write that she was Jewish.[2] Some write that she was a convert.[3]


[1] Yaavetz in Migdal Oz Even Bocehin Pina 1:10; See Beir Eliyahu E.H. 86; Ben Yehoyada p. 38, Sanhedrin 11

[2] Implication of Shoftim 5:6 and Rashi and Midrash Raba Rus 1:1 there that Yael was a Judge of the Jewish people; Horiyos 10b that from Yael we learn Gedola Aveira Lishma; Malbim Shoftim 4:17

[3] Yalkut Shimoni Yehoshua Remez 9

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