Walking or standing between two dogs, two palm trees, two pigs, and two snakes, or two people walking or standing with them in between:[1]
[The Talmud[2] lists a number of “in between” walking or standing restrictions, in which one may not allow a certain item to be between two people when they stand or walk, and likewise may not be between that item when they stand or walk. The reason behind these restrictions is because doing so causes the evil spirit to reside on oneself. One who transgresses this causes himself to forget his Torah learning or have difficulty in his comprehension of Torah.[3] In the event that one is unable to avoid walking between the above items then she/he is to take hold of an item in their hand to separate between him and them.[4] These restrictions only apply when the item or people are parallel and within four Amos of each other.[5] The following is the list of problematic items:]
- Men and women:[6] A [lone[7]] man may not pass [or stand] in between two women [who are parallel and within four Amos of each other[8]] and a [lone] woman [may not pass or stand] between two men is [who are parallel and within four Amos of each other], due to that the evil spirit resides on them.
- Dogs:[9] Likewise, [one is not to allow] a dog to pass [or stand] between two people [who are parallel and within four Amos of each other], or a [lone] person [to pass or stand] between two dogs [who are parallel and within four Amos of each other].
- Date palms:[10] As well [one may not pass or stand between two] date palms [who are parallel and within four Amos of each other]. [Likewise, two people who are parallel and within four Amos of each other should not walk or stand with a date palm in between them.[11]]
- Pigs:[12] Some say [that one may likewise not pass between] even [two] pigs, [who are parallel and within four Amos of each other]. [Likewise, two people who are parallel and within four Amos of each other should not walk or stand with a pig in between them.]
- Snakes:[13] Some say [that one may likewise not pass between] even [two] snakes, [who are parallel and within four Amos of each other]. [Likewise, two people who are parallel and within four Amos of each other should not walk or stand with a snake in between them.]
- Camels: [Some say that one should not walk between two camels.[14] It is unclear if this applies likewise against allowing a camel to pass in between two people.[15] Practically, Admur and other Poskim completely omits camels from his list of restrictions.]
General Q&A How close together must the two items or people be for there to be an issue?[16] It is only an issue if the two items or people are standing within four Amos [196 cm.] of each other. May two men/women walk between the two items?[17] Yes. Two men or women who are walking together side by side may walk between two women/men/date palms/dogs/pigs/snakes. Must the two items or people be parallel to each other for there to be an issue to walk between them?[18] It is only an issue if the two items or people are standing parallel to each other and on the same level of height. Thus, if one of the women is standing on the stairs and another is talking to her below the stairs, there is no issue to walk between them. What is one to do if he cannot avoid walking between two men or women?[19] One is to hold something in his hand, such as his phone, wallet, or bag, and have in mind that it separate between them. If one does not have anything in his hand, he should hold his Peiyos or beard.
Q&A on Dogs How is one supposed to walk his dog if there will always be people that he is passing on the street and the dog will end up in between two people, which is between the walker and the other person? So long as the dog is in front or behind its walker then it is not considered to be in between the walker and another person.
Q&A on Palm trees Which type of palm trees are included in the restriction?[20] Only palm trees of the date species are problematic.[21]
What is one to do if there are two date palms, one on each side of the sidewalk? The Talmud states that whenever there is a public path that separates between the two date palms the danger dissipates.[22] Accordingly, it seems that in this case it is not such an issue. Nonetheless, being that this is not recorded in the Poskim, it is proper to circumvent it or do the Tikkun below. |
What is the Tikkun for one to do in the event that the above was transgressed? The Talmud[23] records the following Tikkun that he can do: Rav Papa says that he should recite a verse that begins and ends with the name Keil or with the word Lo. The following is the suggested verse that begins and ends with Keil:[24] אל מוציאם ממצרים כתועפית ראם לו כי לא נחש ביעקב ולא קסם בישראל כעת יאמר ליעקב ולישראל מה פעל אל.
The following is the suggested verse that begins and ends with Lo:[25] לא איש אל ויכזב ומאדם ויתנחם ההוא אמר’ ולא יעשה ודבר ולא יקימנה
Other alternative verses of Keil and Lo:[26] אל אלהים ה’ הצילנו מכל רע ומכל נזק אשר בידך כח וגבורה כי אתה אל לא תטשני אלהי תעזבני שמרני כאישון בת עין טרם אקרא תענני ואל תאמר לא |
[1] Admur Hilchos Shemiras Haguf Vinefesh 9; Pesachim 111a “Shelosha Ein Mimatzin Lo Mismatzin….Vehaisha”; Horiyos 13b; Reishis Chochmah Chupas Eliyahu Raba [women, dogs, camels]; Menoras Hamaor 2 6 Ner Daled Kelal 1:1; Peri Chadash Y.D. 116:9; Elya Raba 3:10; Chochmas Adam Beis Yisrael p. 66; Siddur Yaavetz Dinei Tefilas Haderech; Rav Akiva Eiger 156; Ben Ish Chaiy Pinchas 17 [records camels, women, and dogs]; Kitzur SHU”A 3:8; Aruch Hashulchan 2:6; Shemiras Hanefesh 74; Shemiras Haguf Vihanefesh 111 footnote 1; Salmas Chaim 2:35; Ben Yehoyada Pesachim ibid
Other opinions: The Tur and Michaber in his Shulchan Aruch, omit all the above Talmudic adherences, hence implying that they are no longer applicable today being that perhaps the evil spirit of this type has been nullified. Some indeed conclude that the custom today is not to be stringent in this, with exception to walk in between two women or men. [See Divrei Yatziv 31:15; Gam Ani Odecha p. 53]
[2] Pesachim 111a
[3] Horiyos ibid; Aruch Hashulchan ibid; See Kaf Hachaim 2:3
[4] See Q&A!
[5] See Q&A!
[6] All sources ibid
[7] See Q&A that two men may walk together between two women
[8] See Q&A!
[9] Admur ibid; Pesachim ibid; Chochmas Adam ibid; Ben Ish Chaiy ibid
[10] Admur ibid; Pesachim ibid; Chochmas Adam ibid; See Reish Lakish in Pesachim ibid who adds that onew who walks between two date palms is liable for his life.
[11] Shemiras Hanefesh ibid; By all these items the restriction is both against walking in between them as well as allowing them to be in between two people, as explicitly ruled in the Talmud ibid
[12] Admur ibid; Pesachim ibid; Chochmas Adam ibid;
[13] Admur ibid; Pesachim ibid; Chochmas Adam ibid;
[14] Horiyos 13b; Ben Ish Chaiy ibid
[15] See Sefer Hazikaron 17
[16] Ben Ish Chaiy Pinchas 17; Yalkut Avraham Y.D. 43; See Reish Lakish Pesachim ibid that if one distances four cubits there is no issue
[17] Ben Ish Chaiy Pinchas 17
[18] Ben Ish Chaiy Pinchas 17
[19] Shemiras Hanefesh 74 in gloss in name of Sefer Hazichron; Siach Hasadeh [Kaznievsky] Sefer Hazichron p. 12; See Ein Lamo Michshal 7:358
[20] Admur ibid; Chochmas Adam ibid
[21] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arecaceae see this link for the various species of palm trees that exists including the coconut palm
[22] Reish Lakish in Pesachim ibid
[23] Pesachim ibid; See Chemdas Avraham 33 for a dispute in Mefarshima nd Poskim as to whether this Takana only protects from the danger or also protects one from forgetfulness
[24] Rashi and Rashbam ibid
[25] Rashi and Rashbam ibid
[26] Rabbeinu Channael, brought in Tosafus Pesachim ibid
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