The state of concealment of the G-dly soul when it is within the body:[1]
Although the G-dly soul contains a deep passion and desire to cleave to G-d, this is only consciously constantly felt in its root, which is the level of the soul that exists prior to its descent below to this world. However, after its descent below to the physical world in which it is invested in a physical body and animal soul which conceals the divine light, it loses this conscious feeling, as it becomes constantly persuaded by the animal soul and body to draw after the various involvements of the material world which are dark and void of any revealed G-dliness, and this causes its passion and desire for G-dliness to become concealed and dormant. It is for this reason that it takes a very long time to restart the engine of passion of one’s G-dly soul as is done in prayer.
[1] Torah Or p. 1d
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