The severity of jealousy of another person’s item

  1. The severity of jealousy of another person’s item:[1]

Leads to stealing and murder:[2] Coveting another person’s item [in one’s heart] leads one to think of ways of how to purchase the item from him, which in turn can lead to stealing [as if the owner refuses to sell it even after they are offered a lot of money and pressured into the sale, then one may come to steal it from him[3]], which in turn can lead to murder [as if the owner tries to physically prevent him from stealing the item, then one may come to murder him as indeed occurred in the story of Achav and Navos[4] as is brought in  the end of the article, and from Geichazi and Achan[5]]. [Furthermore, this can lead one to transgress all of the 10 Commandments, and for this reason it was brought as the last of the 10 Commandments.[6]]

The transgressions:[7] Thus, we learn that one who covets the item of another transgresses one negative command [i.e. Lo Sisaveh], and one who purchases the coveted item from the owner either through pressuring him or asking him, either personally or through friends, transgresses two negative commands, and therefore the verse states “Lo Sachmod” and “Lo Sisaveh.” [And, if he steals the item, then he transgresses three negative commands.[8]]

Losing that which you have:[9] It states in the Midrash:[10] Whoever covets that which he is not meant to have, than that which he covets he will not get and that which he already has will be taken from him.


[1] Admur ibid; Michaber 359:11-12; Rambam ibid 1:11-12; See also Rabbeinu Bechayeh Kad Hakemach Erech Chemda

Lashes: See Halacha D in footnote!

Invalidation for testimony: See Michaber 359:9 that one who forces somebody to sell his item is not Biblically invalidated for testimony, but Rabbinically; Smeh 259:14 and Bava Metzia 5b and Sanhedrin 25b and Beis Shmuel 28:2 that people think the prohibition is only if you don’t pay and hence anytime someone paid for the item, he is not biblically invalid for testimony; Encyclopedia Talmudit Erech Chamsan; See Imrei Yaakov ibid 44

[2] Admur ibid; Michaber 359:11; Rambam ibid 1:11

[3] Michaber ibid and Rambam ibid as the verse states “and you coveted homes and stole them”

[4] Michaber ibid and Rambam ibid

[5] Kad Hakemach ibid

[6] Kad Hakemach ibid

[7] Admur ibid; Michaber 359:12; Rambam ibid 1:12

[8] Michaber ibid; Rambam ibid; Omitted from Admur ibid, Vetzaruch Iyun! See Halacha D for a dispute regarding if one transgresses Lo Sachmod if he steals an item

[9] Kad Hakemach Erech Chemda

[10] Midrash Raba Bereishis 20:10; Sota 9b

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