The Sefiros in Atzilus versus Biyah

This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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D. The Sefiros in Atzilus versus Biyah:[1]

The relationship between the essence of the soul and its garments, and the relation between the body and soul, is a replica of the relationship between the infinite light of G-d and His attributes within the spiritual world of Atzilus. The world of Atzilus is composed of 10 attributes. These attributes are also called by the name Tikkunim. The reason for this is because the infinite light of G-d that shines within the world of Atzilus bonds and unites with the attributes of intellect and emotions, Chabad and Chagas to the point that they seem like one entity. On this it states in the teaching of Patach Eliyahu “Ant Hu Chakim, and you are wise.” Ant, You, in this statement refers to the infinite light of G-d, and its description as being wise refers to its revelation within the attribute of wisdom. On this level, G-d is wise but not on a unfathomable level and is rather the source of comprehensible wisdom.

The world of Biyah: The above relationship of unity between G-d’s infinite light and His attributes is only applicable in the high spiritual world of Atzilus. However, in the lower worlds of Beriya, Yetzira, and Assiya, it does not apply. In these worlds, the attributes are considered like actual garments of the Divine light, similar to the garments of speech and action of the soul.

[1] Torah Or p. 13b

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