The root of the animal soul is higher than even the G-dly soul

This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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F. The root of the animal soul is higher than even the G-dly soul:[1]

Although certainly in its revealed state, the G-dly soul is much higher and more spiritual than the animal soul, nonetheless, in its root above the animal soul is higher than the G-dly soul. This is hinted to in the verse which states that there were kings of the world who reigned prior to the kings of Israel, which is meaning to say that the animal soul which is synonymous with the gentile nations contains a higher root in the G-dly soul which is synonymous with the Jewish nation. It just happens to be that this high source which is the root of the animal soul shattered and fell below to a much lower level than the G-dly soul. This breakage and shattering is known as Sheviras Hakeilim, and is also hinted to in the above verse which states that the gentile kings reigned and died. This higher root of the animal soul is expressed even today within the animal soul and its ability to overcome and overpower the G-dly soul, with its lustful desires for the physical world and its pleasures. However, in truth, one has the potential and obligation to bring the animal soul to be on the same side as the G-dly soul and be interested in spirituality and G-d, and when one accomplishes this he accomplishes a much greater enthusiasm and love for G-d then his G-dly soul could have accomplished alone.

[1] Torah Or p. 9a

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