The purpose of Sefer Bereishis and the reason that it has no Mitzvos

This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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The purpose of Sefer Bereishis and the reason that it has no Mitzvos:[1]

Sefer Bereishis is a book of stories of our forefathers and does not contain any commands.[2] What is the purpose of this book if the entire purpose of the Torah is to relate its commandments? So its purpose is indeed one of great importance and surpasses that of simple storytelling. The stories that are related in the Torah that occurred with our forefathers, accomplished the spiritual prerequisites that were required in order for the Torah to be given. Our forefathers are the ones who in fact draw down the Torah in its spiritual form so that it can then be embellished in a physical form and be given to the Jewish people as actual commands which have ability to draw down G-dliness when they are fulfilled.

[1] Torah Or 11c

[2] See Mamarei Admur Hazakein Parshiyos Hosafos p. 10

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