The prohibition of Bamos & Manoach’s sacrafice

The prohibition of Bamos & Manoach’s sacrafice


When did it become forbidden to offer sacrifices on mobile altars known as Bamos, as we learned in Navi class that Manoach offered a sacrifice on a Bama altar.



This matter is disputed in the Talmud, with some [Rebbe Yehuda, Tana Dvei Reb Yishmael and one version of Rebbe Shimon] being of the opinion that Bama offerings became forbidden when the Temple was erected in Shilo, and hence Manoach must have been commanded by God to bring this offering as a Horas Sheah. Others [Rebbe Shimon in Braisa] however are of the opinion that there was no prohibition against offering on a Bama during the period of Shilo, and hence Manoach was perfectly within his right to do what he did. Others [Yerushalmi] learn that perhaps the prohibition by Shilo only applied until the Aron was taken captive by the Philistines. According to all opinions, Bamos were forbidden in the 40 year stay in the desert, and from when the temple of Jerusalem was built. According to all opinions they were permitted during the times of Gilgal, Nov, and Givon.

Sources: Shoftim 2:5; Mishneh Zevachim 112b; 119a-b; Sifri Riei Piska 68; Yerushalmi Megilah 1:12; Encyclopedia Talmudit Erech Bama p. 339-340

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