E. The new heaven and earth, Ratzo and Shuv, of the future era:[1]
The verse states that in the future era we will have a new heaven and new earth. Figuratively, this means that in the future era there will be a new form of heaven and earth as found in the Torah and service of G-d. As stated above, “earth” refers to the passion for G-d one experiences in the state of Ratzo, while “heaven” refers to the calm nullification to G-d that one experiences in Shuv. In the future era, the form of Ratzo as we know of it today, will no longer exist. You see, in today’s times it is possible to arouse a passion to cleave to G-d in order to exit the spiritual darkness that the world is found in and to lighten it up. Just as when it is dark, one desires to turn on the light and turn the darkness into light, so too, when the world is spiritually empty of G-dly revelation one desires to light up the world with the light of G-d. However, in the future era when the spiritual darkness of the world will cease to exist as G-d Himself will eradicate all evil from the world, this service of Ratzo, of turning on the spiritual light to shine the darkness, will be irrelevant, as the world itself will already contain a revelation of divinity on a constant basis. Likewise, regarding one’s passion, one will no longer experience a thirsty passion of desire to cleave to G-d as one will already be experiencing that cleaving [just like one does not miss a relative who is with him in the room, and can only experience missing him if the person goes away]. Hence, G-d will have to create a new form of Ratzo that is relevant to the future era. This new form of Ratzo will not correspond any longer to the Jewish people but rather to G-d Himself, that G-d himself will shine forth tremendous revelation from above [i.e. Shuv], and then retract it [i.e. Ratzo], and hence we will have a constant state of revelation and retraction from G-d as part of our G-dly experience. This is similar to the pumping of blood by one’s heart in which first the blood enters into the heart [i.e. Shuv] and then is pumped to all the limbs [i.e. Ratzo]. [This will assure that the Jewish people will constantly experience the pleasure of G-dliness, and not become nullified in the great constant revelation.]
[1] Torah Or 2b-d
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