The Mitzvah of Bitachon:
We are instructed in numerous verses of Scripture[1], as expounded on in various works of Mussar[2], to trust in G-d. Thus, trusting in G-d is not just a Mitzvah, but an obligation.[3] Some Poskim[4] even include this Mitzvah as one of the 613 commands.[5] To quote from the words of the Gr”a[6] “The main purpose of the giving of the Torah was in order so one place his trust in G-d as the most important thing in Judaism is the complete trust in G-d, and this is the general aspect of all the Mitzvah’s” and elsewhere[7], “Bitachon is the greatest level that one can reach.”
A lesson from the Mun:[8] It is for the above reason that Hashem did not allow the Mun to fall in bulk to last for many days, and rather had it fall each day in an amount that suffices for only that days meal, in order so the Jewish people place their trust in G-d to receive their daily bread, and not place their trust in their bread that is in storage.
Its reward and punishment: One who doesn’t trust in G-d is cursed and punished.[9] The worry itself can cause the negative occurrence to take place.[10] [In addition, worry and anxiety causes damage to the body and can lead to many different illnesses.] On the other hand, one who trusts in G-d is blessed.[11]
Verses of Bitachon in Tanach and Chazal:
- Devarim 18:13 “Tamim Tihyeh Im Hashem Elokecha”[12]
- Devarim 20:1 “Ki Seitzei…Lo Sira Meihem”[13]
- Tehillim 4:6: “Ubitchu El Hashem”
- Tehillim 32:10: “Haboteiach BaHashem Chesed Yisovivenhu”
- Tehillim 37:3 and 115:9 “Betach BaHashem”
- Tehillim 55:23 “Hashleich Al Hashem Yihavecha”
- Tehillim 62:9 “Ubitchu Bo Bechol Es”
- Tehillim 112:7: “Mishmua Rah Lo Yirah, Nachon Libo Batuach BaHashem”
- Tehillim 115:9: “Yisrael Betach BaHashem Ezram Umaginam Hu”
- Mishlei 3:5 “Betach El Hashem Bechal Libecha”
- Yeshayah 26:4 “Bitchu BaHashem Adei Ad”
- Yirmiyahu 17:7 “Baruch Hagever Asher Yivtach Bahashem” and 17:5 “Arur Hagever Asher Yivtach Ba’adam.
People who are more inclined to trust G-d:[14] Those people who have souls that are rooted in the Sefira of Chesed are more inclined to have trust in G-d and feel serene and secure, versus those rooted in Gevurah who have more of a difficulty in achieving this state of trust.
Davening to Hashem to grant one the attribute of Bitachon:[15] One should accustom himself to pray to Hashem that Hashem merit him to have the Mida of Bitachon, in order to be successful in drawing down the Divine blessing.
Trusting in G-d to help him also when faced with spiritual struggles:[16] When a person is faced with challenges in spiritual matters of fulfilling Torah and Mitzvos, then too, he is required to work on his trust in G-d. If after exhausting all efforts to help himself, he has absolute trust in G-d that G-d will help him, to the point he feels absolutely tranquil about the issue, then indeed this will be the case, and all of the spiritual setbacks and hindrances will be nullified.
Trusting in G-d to bring the redemption:[17] The above also applies regarding trusting in G-d that he will bring the redemption, as just as we find regarding the redemption from Egypt that it was in merit of our trust in G-d[18], so too it will be regarding the final redemption, that our trust in G-d to redeem us will merit its immediate fruition.
[1] Devarim 18:13; Devarim 20:1; Tehillim 4:6; Tehillim 32:10; Tehillim 37:3; Tehillim 55:23; Tehillim 62:9; Tehillim 112:7; Tehillim 115:9; Mishlei 3:5; Yeshayah 26:4; Yirmiyahu 17:5 and 7; Yermiah 14:7
Contradiction in scripture: The verse in Mishleiy 28:14 states “Ashrei Adam Mifacheid Tamid Umaksheh Lipo Yipol Berah,” and Rebbe Yochanon in Gittin 55b states that this verse goes on various episodes in our history in which lack of proper foresight and worry of future consequences, caused tragedies to occur. From here it seems that not only is worrying not considered a sin but on the contrary it is praiseworthy, as by worrying one will take proper precautions with his words and actions. However, some Poskim explain that there is no contradiction, as the above verse from initially is referring to words of Torah, meaning one should always worry about his Torah observance and his Torah knowledge so that he did not come to forget them. [Riaz Piskeiy Halachos on Brachos 60a; Yifei Laleiv230:1; Kaf Hachaim 230:1]
[2] See Chovos Halevavos Shaar Habitachon 1; Reishis Chochmah Shaar Ha’ahava 12; Shaareiy Teshuvah of Rabbeinu Yona 3:32 that it is included in the command in Shoftim 20:1 not to fear the enemy during war.
[3] Shaareiy Teshuvah of Rabbeinu Yona ibid “from the verse in Devarim 20:1 “Ki Seitzei…Lo Sira Meihem” we learn the command that if a person fears a certain approaching matter of suffering, then he should place the salvation of G-d in his heart and he shall trust him”; Chareidim 9:21 on verse [Devarim 18:13] Tamim Tihyeh from which we learn that it is a mitzvah to trust in G-d with all one’s heart and in all matters of the world, based on Ramban Shichichas Hasei Mitzvah 8; Bahag 144; Rash Ibin Gabriel Azharos 31; Ramban Shichichas Hasei Mitzvah 8; Semak 10; See Brachos 6 and Maharsha there; See Admur Basra 1:9 and Kama 1:10; Taz 1:4 regarding saying Parshas Hamun; Rashi Bava Basra 91a “One should trust in G-d”
[4] Chareidim ibid; Shaareiy Teshuvah of Rabbeinu Yona 3:17; Bahag 144; Rash Ibin Gabriel Azharos 31; Ramban Shichichas Hasei Mitzvah 8; Semak 10; Meshech Chochma on Devarim 10:20
Other opinions: Most Moneiy Hamitzvos, including Rambam and Chinuch, do not list Bitachon as one of the commands. In their opinion, there is no positive command to trust in G-d. The reason for this is because this matter is dependent on the nature of a person. [Maharam Shick Mitzvah 525]
[5] The scriptural source: Some learn this Mitzvah from the verse Devarim 20:1 “Ki Seitzei…Lo Sira Meihem.” [Rabbeinu Yona ibid] Others learn it from the verse Devarim 10:20 “Ubo Sidbak. ” [Meshech Chochma on Devarim ibid]
[6] Gr”a on Mishlei 22:19; See also Chazon Ish in Emuna Ubitachon chapter 2 “lack of trust in one’s soul is tantamount to lacking a major part of Judaism”
[7] Gr”a on Mishlei 10:20
[8] Yuma 76a; Rashi Shemos 16:32
[9] See Tanchuma Tazria 9; Yirmiyah 17; Brachos 6
[10] See Brachos 60a; Riaz Piskeiy Halachos on Brachos 60a; Yifei Laleiv230:1; Kaf Hachaim 230:1; Sefer Orchos Yosher Erech Pachad Udiaga
[11] Yirmiyahu 17:7
[12] Brought in some Rishonim ibid
[13] Brought in Shaareiy Teshuvah 3:32
[14] Tanya Igeres Hakodesh 13; See Sefer Hamamrim 5712 p. 321-323
[15] Based on Keser Shem Tov 113; Toldos Yaakov Yosef Mishpatim 56b; As explained in Likkutei Sichos 36 Shemos
[16] Likkutei Sichos Vol. 36 Sicha 1
[17] Likkutei Sichos Vol. 36 Sicha 1
[18] Kad Hakemach in end
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