The Melacha of the weekday is elevated on Shabbos

This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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D. The Melacha of the weekday is elevated on Shabbos:[1]

One is instructed to specifically work during the week as Scripture states “with the sweat of your brow you shall eat.” The 39 activities that are prohibited to be done on Shabbos are not just allowed to be done during the weekday but are specifically to be done during the weekday. Through doing so one is able to draw down a new revelation of G-d’s name Havayah. This then eventually becomes elevated through Shabbos as Shabbos represents rest and nullification. Furthermore, the Shabbos only becomes a Shabbos for a person who did the work during the week, as it states that one who has troubled himself on Erev Shabbos will eat on Shabbos. It is not possible for the whole week to be Shabbos and it rather must be preceded by days of labor, just as Shemoneh Esrei must be preceded by Pesukei Dezimra and Birchas Shema. [During the week, man is meant to be involved in mundane activity in order so Shabbos can then elevate it to a level of nullification to G-d. If one did not work during the week then there is nothing for Shabbos to elevate. Hence, weekday labor and Shabbos are complimentary of each other and one without the other does not fulfill its purpose.]

[1] Torah Or 12a

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