The law if one said Mezonos instead of Hamotzi

Correct blessing is Hamotzi:[1] If one accidentally recited the blessing of Mezonos on Hamotzi bread then some Poskim[2] rule that he fulfills his obligation.[3] However, other Poskim[4] argue that one does not fulfill his obligation.[5] Practically, Safek Brachos Lehakeil [and hence the blessing of Hamotzi is not to be repeated].[6] [Nonetheless, one who desires to escape the dispute is to say Shehakol on another food, such as sugar, and have in mind to include the Hamotzi bread, just in case that it was not exempted with the Mezonos blessing.[7] Likewise, if one remembers his mistake within Kdei Dibbur, then one is to initially correct himself and conclude with the words Hamotzi Lecehm Min Ha’aretz.[8]]


[1] See Admur Seder 1:3; 2:9; Admur 168:12; Chidushei Tzemach Tzedek 9:3; Igros Moshe O.C. 4:40; Piskeiy Teshuvos 167:21

[2] 1st and Stam opinion in Seder 1:3; Taz 168:6; Ritva Brachos 42a; Meiri Brachos 35a; Derisha 168; Elya Raba 168:16; Even Heozer 168 Dinim Haolim 5; Biur Halacha 168:10 “Bemakom Birchas Hamotzi” that so rule many Achronim; Kaf Hachaim 167:75; Derech Hachaim Dinei Taus Bibrachos 1; Shaareiy Teshuvah 167:13; See Chidushei Tzemach Tzedek 9c; 10b; 14b

[3] The reason: As in truth the blessing of Mezonos includes also complete bread and it is just that the sages established the more superior blessing of Hamotzi to be initially recited over bread being that bread goes through a change which makes it superior to other foods. [See Admur 168:12 regarding Safek bread, and the same argument can be made for definite bread, according to this opinion]

[4] 2nd opinion in Seder 1:3; Only opinion in Luach 1:3; Only opinion in Admur 168:12 regarding complete bread; M”A 168:18; Bach 168; Teshuvas Beis Yehuda Ayash O.C. 41; Birkeiy Yosef 167:10; Nehar Shalom; Hagahos Rav Akiva Eiger on Gemara Brachos 36b; Aruch Hashulchan 168:19; Birchas Habayis 7:15;

The law by Safek Hamotzi bread – Pas Haba Bekisnin: The above the above opinion is only stringent by definite Hamotzi bread, however, by questionable Hamotzi bread such as Pas Haba Bekisnin, they agree that even initially one is to recite the blessing Mezonos, as Safek Brachos Lihakel and even initially there is no worry of a blessing in vain in such a case being that the sages were lenient to permit one to fulfill his obligation with this blessing. Furthermore, in truth the blessing of Mezonos ideally includes also bread and so long as it is not clear that a food has a definition of complete bread, we should not remove it from status that is included in the blessing of Mezonos. [See Admur 168:12 in great length]

[5] The reason: As although in truth the blessing of Mezonos includes also complete bread nonetheless the sages established the more superior blessing of Hamotzi to be recited over bread being that bread goes through a change which makes it superior to other foods. [Admur 168:12]

[6] Conclusion of Admur in Seder ibid and Seder 2:9 [unlike his ruling in 168:12 and Luach 1:3;] Admur 168:12 regarding Safek bread [i.e. Pas Haba Bekisnin]; Shulchan Hatahor 168:11; Ketzos Hashulchan 37:10; Beir Moshe 4:21-4; Igros Moshe O.C. 4:40 although advises that to escape the dispute, one is to stop his meal, recite Birchas Hamazon and then wash and repeat Hamotzi; All Poskim in first opinion including M”B, Kaf Hachaim,

Other rulings of Admur: In his Shulchan Aruch 168:12 and Luach 1:3 Admur rules that one who recited the blessing of Mezonos on definite Hamotzi bread does not fulfill his obligation.

[7] Ketzos Hashulchan 37 footnote 24 and 34 who gives this advice regarding this case and other cases of doubt, although he concludes with a Tzaruch Iyun as to why this workaround was not written in the Poskim [see M”B 176:12, Vetzaruch Iyun]; See Igros Moshe O.C. 4:40 who rules that to escape the dispute, one is to stop his meal, recite Birchas Hamazon and then wash and repeat Hamotzi; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 167:21 that one should hear the blessing of Hamotzi or Mezonos from another person eating

[8] Sdei Chemed Mareches Brachos 1; Birchas Habayis 7:15; Ketzos Hashulchan 37 footnote 34; See Halacha 16!

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