The law if one said Ha’adama or Haeitz and is incorrect blessing due to Safek or due to degradation, or due to Minhag

Correct blessing is not Ha’adama or Haeitz due to Safek or due to degradation, or due to Minhag: In any case that there is a dispute or doubt as to whether the correct blessing of a product is Ha’adama or Haeitz versus a different blessing, and the final ruling is to say the different blessing, then Bedieved if one recited the blessing of Ha’adama or Haeitz he nonetheless fulfills his obligation.[1] Likewise, in any case in which the original blessing of the product is Ha’adama or Haeitz, and it is lowered to a different blessing due to degradation [i.e. not yet ripe enough[2], not yet cooked or was cooked and degraded, was turned into puree or certain juices[3], is not main part of vegetable[4]] then Bedieved if one recited the blessing of Ha’adma or Haeitz he nonetheless fulfills his obligation.[5] It goes without saying, that in any case in which the ideal blessing is Ha’adama or Haeitz and one simply says a different blessing due to custom and tradition, then if one recited the blessing of Ha’adama or Haeitz he nonetheless fulfills his obligation.


[1] See Chayeh Adam 51:9; M”B 203:3; Kaf Hachaim 203:7; Ketzos Hashulchan 49:2; 18

[2] Biur Halacha 202:9 “Mivareich”

[3] See Rama 202:7; Michaber 202:8 and Kaf Hachaim 202:60 regarding date honey; Shaar Hatziyon 202:54; 205:21; Chazon Ish 33:5; Shevet Halevi 4:19; Az Nidbaru 7:57; Beir Moshe 2:12-4 [regarding tomato juice, plum juice, orange juice and other citrus fruit juices, apple sauce]; Piskeiy Teshuvos 202:16-23 footnote 129

[4] See Admur 202:2

[5] See M”A 206:1; Chayeh Adam 51:12; Derech Hachaim 9; Shaareiy Teshuvah 206:2; M”B 202:23, 43; 206:3; Biur Halacha 202:9 “Mivareich”; Shaar Hatziyon 202:26 and 54; 205:21; Kaf Hachaim 206:3; Beir Moshe 2:12-4; Piskeiy Teshuvos 206:4

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that one is not Yotzei if he says Haeitz on a product which is Shehakol or Hadama due to not being the main part of the fruit. [Even Haozer ; See Rav Akiva Eiger 202:7] Likewise, some Poskim rule that one is not Yotzei if he says Haeitz on a product which is Shehakol or Hadama due to degradation of the fruit, such as if it is better eaten raw then cooked or better eaten cooked than raw and it was eaten in its degraded state. [Shulchan Hatahor 206:2]

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