The law if one said Borei Peri Ha’adama on a Haeitz fruit – Is he Yotzei?

Correct blessing is Haeitz:[1] If one accidentally recited the blessing of Ha’adama on a Haeitz fruit, then Bedieved he fulfills his obligation. [However, even in such a case, one should initially correct himself within Kdei Dibbur and recite the correct wording of Haeitz if he remembers within enough time. See Halacha 17??.] Accordingly, in the event that one is in doubt as to whether a certain agricultural doubt is a fruit of the ground or a fruit of a tree, or in the case that there is a is a Halachic doubt as to the correct blessing due to a dispute amongst the Poskim[2], then one is to say the blessing of Hadama, as Hadama includes Haeitzs.[3] [If however one said Haeitz in such a case, he nevertheless fulfills his obligation as Safek Brachos Lihakel.[4]]


Yotzei Bedieved.


[1] Seder 1:4; Luach 1:4-5; Admur 206:1; 202:24; Michaber 206:1; Mishneh Brachos 40a; Ketzos Hashulchan 49:2

[2] Such as fruit jam [Seder 6:4] or perennials [Seder 6:6]

[3] Admur ibid in Seder, Luach, 206:1 and 202:24; Michaber ibid

[4] Ketzos Hashulchan 49:2

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