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1. Pasach Eliyahu:[1]
A. The essence of soul versus its garments and soul powers:[2]
What is the essence of the soul? We find that the soul is described as containing intellect and emotions, known as Sechel and Midos. This can lead one to understand that the soul’s essence contains two parts, one being emotional the second being intellectual, and that this is its essential mass. In truth, however, the soul has an essential level which is above all aspects of its soul powers, including being above and beyond its intellectual and emotional properties. Accordingly, the essence of the soul is a simple entity of divine light without any definition or parts, and its intellectual and emotional capabilities are like a mere garment that one wears in order to express itself in those methods.
Summary: The various particular aspects of the soul, which includes its intellect and emotions, are considered the garments of the soul and are not part of the essence of the soul.
The lesson in Avodas Hashem: We’re naturally inclined to judge a person’s character by his current intellectual capabilities, accomplishments, and emotional attitudes that he expresses. While certainly this is a valid form of analysis of a person’s current conscious state, it is false to qualify the essence of the individual in accordance to what we see he currently expresses. The reason for this is because every person contains an infinite potential in the essence of his soul which can bring complete future change to his intellectual capabilities, emotional state of mind, and accomplishments. One of the greatest assets necessary for educators and parents is the belief in their child and student that they indeed contain the potential to strive and overcome their current misgivings.
B. Difference between the various soul garments and why at times they are called the essence:[3]
The soul contains many different types of garments, including the intellect, the emotions, its power of thought, speech, and action. The common denominator of all these garments is that they are all separate from the soul and are not considered part of its essence. They are all considered different tools that the essence of the soul uses to express itself. Nevertheless, within the soul garments there are various gradations in terms of their closeness and relationship with the essence of the soul.
The intellect and emotions: For example, the intellect and emotions are garments that remain constantly with the soul without having any interruption of expression. They are carried by the essence of the soul at all times and used by it to express itself without any conscious decision. They are a ray from the actual essence of the soul. It is for this reason that the intellect and emotions are considered similar to the essence of the soul, as the soul is intuitively expressed through them, and is considered its very nature.
Speech and action: The above is in contrast to the garments of speech and action, which are similar to clothing and the wardrobe that a person may decide consciously to wear or not to wear. Likewise, a person can consciously decide when to speak and when to do an action.
Thought: The faculty of thought contains similar properties to that of the intellect and emotions as it is not possible to not think and hence it is considered an inseparable garment just like the intellect and emotions which is a constant garment that cannot be removed. Nonetheless, it is not equal to intellect and emotions and is more similar to speech and action being that one can choose consciously what to think about and what not to think about, while by emotions and intellect the matters take place primarily on the subconscious level and work automatically beyond one’s choice.
The essence of the soul does not change, the garments do: From the above it is understood that the essence of the soul itself which is above and beyond all its garments even of intellect and emotions, does not go through any essential change and constantly remains one simple entity. The only thing that goes through a change is its expression, or its garment that it chooses to wear. The essence doesn’t mature or grow and doesn’t shrink or become old with time and use, as do garments. The essence is above wear and tear.
Why the garments are called Tikkunim/fixers: The intellect and emotions of the soul are called “Tikunim,” as they fix the soul and help it express itself. This is similar to an ornament and jewelry worn by a person which helps express their beauty and is in no way the essence of the person.
[1] Torah Or p. 13b-14b
[2] Torah Or p. 13b
[3] Torah Or p. 13b
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