The color of the Batim – Dyeing them black

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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The color of the Batim:[1]

Although according to the Halacha Lemoshe Misinai there is no requirement for the Batim to be black, nevertheless it is a Mitzvah to do so, due to Noiy Mitzvah.

Dyeing Lishma and Jewish labor, women and children:[2] Being that there’s no requirement for the Batim to be black, therefore they are valid even if they were dyed not Lishma, or dyed by a gentile. Nonetheless, it is initially proper for an adult to dye the Batim Lishma, just as is done by the straps. [Regarding a woman, it is permitted for a Jewish woman to do the blackening of the Batim Lishma, even if she does not have supervision of someone standing over her.[3] Regarding a child, it is only initially valid if there is an adult supervising them to make sure that they’re going to do it Lishma, and they’re old enough and mature enough to do so.[4]]

  The ink used to dye the Batim:

Initially the ink is to be made in the most Mehudar way, with only kosher ingredients[5], exclusively for the purpose of writing Stam, and so is the custom of all Jewry today to manufacture and use specially made ink for writing Safrus and blackening the straps and Batim of the Tefillin.[6] See Chapter 8 Halacha 4C for the full details of the subject. See also Halacha 11B.


[1] Admur 32:60; 33:4; Michaber 32:40; Rosh Tefillin 8; Rambam Tefillin 3:14; See M”B 32:184; Piskeiy Teshuvos 32:65 for further details on this matter

Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that the blackening of the Batim is included in the tradition to Moshe from Sinai, and hence is Biblically required. [See M”B 32:184; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid]

[2] Admur 33:5; Michaber and Rama 33:4; M”A 33:5

[3] P”M 39 A”A 6

[4] P”M 39 A”A 6; See the following Poskim that a child is only trusted to do Lishma under adult supervision: Admur 11:4; 14:2 [that this applies according to all]; M”A 11:2 as explained in Kuntrus Achron 11:3; Elya Raba 11:11; Tzemach Tzedek 2

[5] Keses Hasofer 23:2

[6] See Piskeiy Teshuvos 32:4

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